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Post at 16-1-2023 14:34  Profile P.M. 
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Borders Opening New Girls arrival?

1 Think I noticed is the new opening up of the borders, so does this mean there will be a whole bunch of new girls available? would be cool to see a list somewhere, on the 141 site, many marked as new are either updating there location, profile or Account ID.
Any one familiar with a Spa or other location where they are rotated Mainland Ladies?
Kinky King
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Post at 16-1-2023 17:43  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 cyberience's post

Rotating both ways it seems - some leaving, some going. K2 has a new arrival (Bowie) from the mainland, while it appears Alice has gone back.
Kinky King
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Post at 16-1-2023 20:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 HKS77's post

What will be interesting if some of the walkups that were predominantly mainland 2 weekers will be revived.  hop yee and coronet court are two example buildings which are basically deserted now, which used to be full of mainlanders on visitor visas.  hopefully they revive those buildings so we have more options

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HKS77   17-1-2023 15:47  Acceptance  +3   

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