Date & Time of Session: November mid evening
Location: WC OB Rd (next to fried chicken takeaway)
Name: “K”
141 Listing: Removed the same evening – did she ever exist?
Nationality & Language: “Vietnamese” (turned out to be Mandarin) / English (agent)
Age: Late 30s / early 40s (girl in 141 looked mid 20s; bogus listing said 23)
Face: 3/5 (actual), 4/5 (pictured)
Body: 2.3/5 (actual), 4/5 (pictured)
Skill: Didn’t do it
Service: Didn’t do it
GFE: Didn’t do it
PSE: Didn’t do it
Price & Session Length: Quoted 1200 all inclusive/60 minutes, but didn’t do it
Repeat: Didn’t do it
If you care to see how this failed B&S punt fits into my multi-header Post 7s Raucous weeknight, see my post here for Pt 1 early evening - ... =page%3D1#pid606069 ). I had just finished that punt/massage with a decent looking Thai girl, but captain V wouldn’t let go of my appetite. I had come across this “Viet” girl on 141, and couldn’t resist the size/shape of those natural mammories set against that nice body and face. I noticed that the phone appt address on 141 was near the WC bars, so had a couple of cool beers as I arranged for a mid evening follow up with what I thought would be a tall young Viet hottie. Clearly working through an agent (I believe to be a Chinese/Viet mamasan or even milfie WG), I carefully double checked and was assured that she was Vietnamese (because the price and address were all in Chinese) and the same as in the photos (see below, from 141 but since removed).
I don’t know about you guys, but for me, vitamin V usually does its best work on the back end of 4 hours, and even better the next morning (don’t ask me, I’m not a chemist). The Thai massage and beers put me straight back on track, and I went to the designated address with (always cautiously) high hopes. But I started to sense something going awry already when I pressed the buzzer for the designated flat and got no response. (Of course, trying to convince all the young HK adults watching me while waiting for their chicken takeaway that I was just waiting for my chicken order too, uhhh.) I pressed again and still nothing. I texted the agent who then sent me the code.
When I got up to the correct floor and rang the doorbell, the door mysteriously opened, but no sultry face greeted me. Instead, I took a step inside, turned, and saw a most unremarkable woman in her late 30s/early 40s, slightly plump, plain faced, and drooping breasts in a rather hickish nightgown looking at me like my childhood doggie pet used to do when I got home to discover that she’d let shit all over the house. She said something to me in Mandarin, so I asked her in Chinese if she’s Vietnamese or mainlander, and she said mainland.
Bleeding hell! Not that I care if she’s mainlander, if she’d only looked like those photos! But anyway, the B&S was more than obvious, so I didn’t even let her close the door before I made some ramshackle apology and bolted out the door, down the stairs, and off to a nearby bar for another beer. Of course, in the meantime, agent BullShit sends me another message with a different address, saying the one I wanted was at this new address. I kindly reminded her that she’d sent me the original address and assured me of the ethnicity. She then said the new address was all Viet. I politely declined and went to lick my wounds, hoping to find some FL 7s holdovers.
Sorry that this isn’t a gratifying report. Rather, it’s one of those that will hopefully help encourage bros to not waste an instant and quickly walk away the moment they discover they’ve been Baited and Switched. Fortunately, I wasn’t gonna waste time or energy brooding over the fiasco. I just collected myself over another beer and decided to check out the WC clubs as it was nearing 10. Surely I’d find some FL hang-ons looking to make something lucrative of their HK 7s sojourn. I did just that, as I’ll describe in my next report (Pt 3 under Free-lancers). Cheers men.
Last edited by littleitalia at 13-11-2022 21:39 ]