First there was THE HKLegend (NOT me),
then I, HK_Legend, popped up out of the blue ...absolutely clueless there was already one HKLegend ...
but as we discussed in PM he is a VERY COOL guy.
(I was thinking about "FreshMeat" (what I heard when I first met the lady 2 lines below!) as a user ID but ..I am not that "fresh"

"fuck first and then get the massage is a good idea. I've only tried it once, but it really makes sense."
Say that it is AGE DRIVEN well as old habits / "education" (from my 35Y old NYMPHOMANIAC friend when I was ...22Y

When meeting a NEW girl, I let her do HER show, HER WAY, not disrupting her routines to see how it goes, her skills, the fit we could have or not.
(Phoenix BO BO was amazingly in perfect synch from the first bang!
With several HL ladies, it took a bit more time but now it is sailing very very smoothly or ....loudly)
After a first or a second session, then I have to factor in MY AGE and some personal physical issues
(no big drama but a bit frustrating when 10Y ago I was ~ doing standing splits! I just let you imagine

So I hate rushing to come ...therefore I need to see a BIG CLOCK

to estimate playtime left.
If HL Coco "Big Tits" has not bought one, I will bring her a Hello Kitty one
Personal (old) habit, I really enjoy when I can see my partner's face going ballistic (for real or ... faking but VERY WELL)
...or when few floors above, they notice.
So it would start with some BBBJ, then DATY ...but where the lady SitOnMyFace (no, not HIM

, her !

especially with mirrors around to see the result....or "drink" it
then after some CG-like massage for LB,
if I have been able to achieve something decent, then the lady is MUCH WIDER opened, front and ...back...
and LB

cap on will be ...DROWN. R.I.P.
Then after it's time (whatever is left) for some massage ...with the BACK (usual) and some specific muscles and ligaments I need to be crushed.
The rest is not important.
Both HL Coco "Big Tits" and Bobo "Long Legs" are genuinely good at that.
But if I am a big mess (so end of July 2021, after all the craziness I was REALLY A MESS and slept during 48H),
the only real solution for me is 4H HARD (veggie!) Thai massage...including, if needed, a PAIR walking on my back
Back to the post bang massage, often it is just chilling together with an EASY massage with the lady while chatting about the last stunts.
With Jasmine one topic of discussion was about "how my couple with Phoenix BO BO was going ? "
...and Jasmine playing counsellor

for the good of both.
Then subject to LB's opinion and recovery after round #1
and the lady's availability it could be playtime again,
more likely (for the sake of all) saving energy and the planet) with CIM BBBJ.
$ wise, I always pay my regulars a bit more than their ASK PRICE, so that matter is

very quickly,
i.e. over time with some when there was EVER a $ discussion,
it was more likely "too much" or "but last time you had to leave early ...because your SO needed babysitting".
They just don't want to kill the goose that lay golden eggsor HKD banknotes...or maybe there is more.
A lady that takes that generosity as a license to ask MORE over time is OUT FAST, period!
One Thai masseuse (Report, one of many, ready to go once massges are officialy opened) who was very close to me having a good and
easy business, lost everything like that when she turned greedy.
That is a GOOD test to know if the lady is thinking a bit ...MEDIUM / LONG TERM!
If she starts (while paid more than ask) trying to get more, then it pollutes the whole thing, and brain and LB focus elsewhere.
I don't expect any of those to become a wife #2, #3, ....but when walking in I don't want UNPLEASANT SURPRISES.
I want a good enjoyable moment and the ladies I know do that very well so HAPPY with that gang!