Subject: KIKI: Digging successfully into the Archives! THANKS !!
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Post at 26-2-2022 14:47  Profile P.M. 
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KIKI: Digging successfully into the Archives! THANKS !!

Many thanks to:
and others that wrote about her and that I have overlooked...

for their 2010-2011 Reports on Kiki (Jardine's Bazaar then SKM) with the PICTURES. ... p;highlight=Jardine ... 4&highlight=SKM ... t=Kiki%2BSKM%2Bbbbj

Seeing that HUGE SKM ROOM with the huge bathroom (with VIEW...on the church!) and the huge bed ...with THAT ORANGE CASINO COIN CUSHION
there is no doubt, that is THE Kiki I had in mind.
That lady was absolutely amazing.
Walking into her ...palace...she was giving the feeling I was the only one (like everybody else !) that did matter.

In 2010 (to match the date of the song) when she was at Jardine Bazaar's ....
when I was going for ....some physical exercise (one of you knows exactly what sport it is) in Sogo's buidling
often I was going BEFORE (for warm up? ) to see Kiki...and she put that song (in her playlist)
in my head (still there ).

So when I hear that song in some of my playlists, I think ..."Kiki".

Now I also know why ...HL Lily attracted my attention


Just in case, somebody knows her whereabouts, please let me know.

[ Last edited by  HK_Legend at 26-2-2022 14:50 ]

Recent Ratings
King_Monger   1-5-2022 06:15  Acceptance  +3   Nice past provider.
zbmthethird   12-3-2022 13:10  Acceptance  +3   Ah Kiki, she was a legend, many a memorable session, lots of fun in and out of the sack she's been out of the business ...
Freelancer   27-2-2022 01:42  Acceptance  +1   My unpopular opinion: We probably shouldn't bring up reports of girls who've left the business and have civilian lives ...

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