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Post at 5-2-2022 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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What’s the deal?

With current restrictions all places are closed right? Talk to my regular she said the govt is coming down harder with punishment and fines. I heard the bosses are safe because they are not on site, so it will be the girls that may have to do 6month sentence and get hit with the fine. Bosses seems to keep pushing the girls to work with no risk to themselves. Is it just hype and scare tactics?

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momozzz   18-2-2022 21:09  Acceptance  +8   well looks line the government likes to avoid the real and root of issues here...
Nookie Newbie
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Post at 19-2-2022 18:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 76cents's post

It is an interesting approach. It’s tough times these days - the pressure is on everyone, hope this can get back to normal and we see HK back to its bustle.

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