How they do it
Have any members of our tight little community in addition to myself had any curiosity as to how the photographs of our lovely technicians can contain such eye-popping and in some cases unlikely proportions and shapes? It’s all a great build up, until they open the door (with the not hiding behind, forcing you to go into the room and make a quick 3 second decision before the door is closed) and you see their body is only so-so and not the gravity defying and fantasy inducing shapes portrayed.
While there may be a few of you who are technically inclined, by dint of interest or vocation, and have familiarity with Photoshop or Photoshop type software, which has been in existence for more than 20 years, it’s all a bit of mystery to me. I have some background in photography, and in my younger days process my own black-and-white photographs in my school darkroom. (“Dad, what’s a darkroom?”). Through the early 1990s a darkroom technician was a decent, well-paying job middle class job, and there commercial photo labs offering positions in most major cities, including Hong Kong. Ever wonder what would happen when you drop off your film at a camera store (or drugstore in the US or Canada) for processing (“Dad, what’s film?”).
Having looked at the photos on the site for many years, I always employed the “Gwailoplayer discount” to the photos. This is in addition to the bra cup size discount one must always employed. Further scrutiny reveals now, to me, how this optical illusion is executed, look carefully at the photos here (and apologies to the girls, this is not intended to be criticism of them or their photos, I have selected them only on the basis of their being the most extreme and obvious example to make my point
), in particular those were I have enlarged in some detail the background to the providers unlikely body contours. Look at the red arrows showing the anomalies.
In particular, it would appear that the painter of the markings in the parking lot perhaps was drunk, as you will note the lines showing spaces for cars seem to be curved. In addition, look carefully at the tiles in the background of the 2nd example. The mason responsible for sticking the tiles on the wall demonstrated some incredible skill to cut and mount tiles in curves in decreasing radii. Or perhaps he was merely on LSD. Are there any professional photo interpreters here?
This may not be news to some of our more technically proficient colleagues, but to myself it was. It is provided for everyone’s reference, education and edification.
Keep on mongering