Subject: Almost Scammed in Beijing
Kinky King
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Post at 21-8-2020 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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Almost Scammed in Beijing

Name: No idea
QQ:  1591305552 微信qq969633m
Age: Early 20's
Nationality: Chinese (local)
Face: 4.5/5 (MCOT)
Body: 4/5 (very nice body)
Service: 0/5
GFE: 0/5
Cost: 0 (I ran away lol)
Location: Beijing, Chaoyang District, Baiziwan area (Jingyuan art district) (avoid any place near baiziwan)

So, I was browsing the and noticed the ad about apartment girls. I qq messaged them and asked the price and they quoted 1200.
I got the address and jumped into a didi and arrived there. When I arrived there they asked me to go to the nearby coffee shop (East Coffee) and wait there.
I got there and then this girl showed up. I'm guessing she was the mamasan.
Anyways we went around the back to this secret massage shop. It was totally inconspicuous and low-key. Inside was a traditional Chinese massage shop with all the standard fittings of a massage shop.
They asked me to sit down and wait, they showed me 3 girls. I picked the first girl. Totally MCOT.
Btw at this point, I had a sneaking suspicion that it was one of these fake bullshit massage places where they ask you to join their membership.
One thing that annoyed me was when the mamasan promised everything when I kept questioning her about it.

Anyways the girl walked in and gave me a massage, half way through the massage she told me to turn over which i did. She then talked about joining the VIP card system.
It was at that point I jumped up and said, I'm out of here. The girl was shocked, so she went to get her manager and by that time I had already gotten dressed and I was half out the door.
I was like I'm not paying for your lies. I just walked out and left without paying.

I'm actually still seriously pissed off that they wasted my time more than anything.

Recent Ratings
zhude10   5-9-2020 08:24  Karma  +3   
jeffzeke   26-8-2020 16:56  Karma  +8   good work getting out of there.
blast77   25-8-2020 04:52  Karma  +8   Kudos for walking out
Vivante   23-8-2020 02:23  Karma  +3   Thanks for the info. Good thing you immediately knew what was going on.
porkchops   21-8-2020 19:38  Karma  +8   Well done!
Marcade   21-8-2020 19:35  Acceptance  +3   Wow! Good job jumping up and leaving w/o paying! Well done!
Kinky King
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Post at 22-8-2020 10:45  Profile P.M. 
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All these spa and massage places in Beijing always want to sell you a bullshit vip card. They’re always fake. I thought at first it was an apartment, that’s why I actually went there in the first place.

Recent Ratings
arandom   22-8-2020 10:59  Karma  +1   who's that girl in your pic btw
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Post at 19-9-2020 15:56  Profile P.M. 
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Business Card Scams

Another scam to look out for is the business card scams. Often times they try to hook you with a low rate like 600 for full service and delivery but they want you to pay the taxi delivery fee first which is like 100. Then they tell you later that they arrived but do not want to go up to collect so they want you to either pay half first or everything upfront.  Assuming that you pay another 300 upfront, its still seems like a small price to pay to find a good source. Then they just ghost you.

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