Originally posted by Vivante at 8-6-2020 00:45
I wanted to visit one of those 'secret' Dongguan ISO-style spas in Shenzhen for quite some time, and couldn't have been more disappointed. For those who are not familiar, these spas offer FS but only ...
I while back, before cell phone got popular with apps like wechat, I brought a few club card. After visiting a place once,
sometimes they offer a future discount with a club card.
It was't too bad. There were like $20 to $40 rmb. You will get your money back by the first or second time.
I usually gave them a few friends to use until I returned back to China. More than half the places were gone after 2 yrs. I am assuming most by LE, some taken over with new name, moved, and others went out of business.
Can you give me the name/address/telephone of the place in Chinese or if they have an English name.
Last edited by Weelock at 8-6-2020 17:40 ]