Subject: Losing your cherry to a WG
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 29-5-2020 01:12  Profile P.M. 
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Losing your cherry to a WG

I have been punting for 41 years now after losing my cherry in a soho walk up when I was 15 I still remember it like it was yesterday when so many other punts have faded to nothing. I can’t remember the price but I remember having to tip the maid which left me short for getting home lol

How many others lost their V to this hobby?

Recent Ratings
jeffzeke   5-6-2020 12:41  Acceptance  +10   interesting topic!
Jade_moon   29-5-2020 13:43  Acceptance  +5   
automobiletopic   29-5-2020 03:07  Acceptance  +5   
Kinky King
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Post at 4-6-2020 15:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 diamonddog's post

I lost my cherry when I was 14 to a Chinese masseuse. I was heavily into sports and I hurt my back. I went to a strip center massage place to get some deep tissue massage. The first 2 times got therapeutic treatment. The 3rd visit the mamasan massaged me and she was more aggressive which got me excited. I was a newbie and almost cum during the leg massage...hey I was 14. The mama started laughing and asked me if I was virgin. I said yes and she called me a nice little boy lol. The mama was a 40 something lady and we got into an interesting chat...then she teased me about becoming a man.

In the end that Chinese lady laid back on the massage table I lost my cherry to her then and there.

Recent Ratings
hotjac   5-6-2020 18:48  Acceptance  +3   Losing it to a WG sounds fun, but losing it to a baby sitter is even funner!
jeffzeke   5-6-2020 12:41  Acceptance  +10   outstanding!
Sandwhale   4-6-2020 17:28  Acceptance  +4   Haha some good fun
porkchops   4-6-2020 16:41  Acceptance  +10   A story to tell your kids, lol

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