Subject: [Buenos Aires]
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Post at 26-1-2020 18:25  Profile P.M. 
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[Buenos Aires]

I wanted to try massage here. Specifically erotic massage.
I went on the internet and did a search.
Finally found a link with many independent girls.
Name: Celeste
Age: 25 looked closer to 30
Face: 7
Cost: 3500 ars about $58usd an hour.
Started with massage and she started kissing my ear.
Went from massage table to bed.
Making out, 69, sex. I had trouble maintaing an erection.
Went to 69 to finish.
Cuddled and talked via google.
She was from Venezuela.
Real nice girl.

[ Last edited by  daytripper at 26-1-2020 18:34 ]

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Recent Ratings
jeffzeke   2-2-2020 13:54  Karma  +10   outstanding!
batman108   28-1-2020 01:47  Karma  +6   awesome and thanks
theworm   26-1-2020 19:15  Karma  +5   she looks nice

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