Subject: [Philippines][Manila] - Punt #5 - Flight 168
Kinky King
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Post at 20-1-2019 21:51  Profile P.M. 
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[Philippines][Manila] - Punt #5 - Flight 168

Date & Time of Session:  22/12/2018
Location:  Flight 168
Name:  Never got her name
Nationality & Language: Pinay, good English
Age: 35
Face:  4/10
Body:  4/10
Skill: 6/10
Service: 9/10
GFE: 1/10
PSE: 9/10
Price & Session Length:  4000 all-in
Repeat: Nope

This one isn't going to be helpful in terms of a specific girl because, well, I didn't get any info.  However, I will describe the place as best as I can (although I think it's been reported on here before).

I was out drinking and it was maybe 2am and I decided I wanted to try something other than EDSA.  Flight 168 is the massage place attached to Air Force 1 KTV.  I had been there before but only during the day.  In the past, there were pretty large lineups (30-40 girls) and the quality was pretty good.

Flight 168 is basically a fishbowl place but there are a few negative.  The first is that they can see you while you are trying to pick, as there is no glass between you and the girls (similar to Darling 1 in Macau).  I don't really care but some guys may find it intimidating, particularly if you're the only person selecting.  The 2nd issue is that they are all sitting down and the seating for them is sort of like church pews so you can't really see their bodies all that well.  The view is obstructied.  Also, they are all wearing some sort of flight attendant uniform so you can't really get a good look.  That being said, a lot of them are very pretty so I guess it's not terrible.

When I got there, I was pretty wrecked already.  Unfortunately, there were literally only 5-6 girls to pick from. I was told it was Saturday night and they were really busy, but who knows.  It could have been because all the girls went home for the holidays, like EDSA.  Anyways, I was there, and figured I may as well make the best of it.  The papasan recommended a girl that was older that I did not think was very attractive, but he said she tries really hard so I just went with it.  It was likely a situation where she had not gotten picked all day so the manager was trying to help her out.

The routine is very standard.  You go into a room, she showers you, and starts a mediocre (at best) massage until you tell her to start the show.  She was not very attractive, but definitely an A+ for effort.  BBBJ on offer, covered FS, all positions available.  As I was pretty drunk and she wasn't that great looking, it took me a while to finish.  I almost ran out of time.  At the end, she allowed me to grab her hair and face fuck her for quite a while (at least 5 minutes), then she jerked me/blew me until I finally shot in her mouth (after much concentration).  Nice girl.  If only she looked better.

I will likely try the place again, as I'm pretty sure the lineup sucked because of the holidays and I've seen it much better there.  However, if it's pretty bad the next time I go, I'll probably move on to somewhere else.

Recent Ratings
jezzzz   8-2-2019 17:48  Karma  +4   
calaisien   1-2-2019 02:13  Karma  +5   
batman108   23-1-2019 13:23  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
Fantastipotamus   21-1-2019 19:39  Karma  +4   
zennor   21-1-2019 06:39  Karma  +5   
hkpunter999   21-1-2019 06:25  Karma  +4   
porkchops   21-1-2019 01:21  Karma  +6   Thanks for reporting!
Jjaa123   21-1-2019 00:32  Karma  +3   
freakonomic   20-1-2019 23:50  Karma  +3   Thanks! Been wanting to check out AirForce 1 and the massage place.

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