This afternoon roughly 3pm at James Lee Mansion TST there was a group of plain clothed police knocking on doors searching and asking questions.
I didn't get caught up in it fortunately but I heard some people were getting questioned (anyone?) They seemed to be going around knocking on doors with a clipboard, probably checking visas. My friend and I didn't stay around long enough to find out what happened but could've easily been in the room when they knocked... imagine
when the door goes down
On the bright side, there was a very well mannered thai girl there right now, looks quite young in early 20s, petite, quite pretty (but darker than the photos attached). What struck me was she was very well mannered and polite, seemed like an SYT. I haven't tried but she gave me her contact. She was leaving the building during the search lol. If anyone is interested I can ask her for details on room #, and/or PM if she's ok to share her contact.
Also I'm curious, if anyone else ever been caught up in this type of police search situation in HK? Must be quite stressful, imagine if they knocked on the door when you're naked inside haha. It also seems risky if they even take down your ID... not sure what they do with that information, I would guess it goes in a database somewhere...
Be safe!