Originally posted by trooper7 at 19-10-2018 19:37
I know HK has a few swingers clubs that you have to send pics / register to that are accessible but has anyone been to any before? What's the scene like? Are there any good looking women? It sounds ho ...
Don't know about the scene in HK but quite a few years ago there were and still are and now thriving FKK clubs in Germany. I suppose some would call them more a legalised brothel with prostitutes some required you to send pictures and were very particular about solo guys others didn't mind so much. You did get many couples going there.
I had a great experience in there as time was not limited and once you had paid entry your drinks and food were free. They always guaranteed a certain amount of women there and you could have them as many times as you want join in when others were having them and generally do anything you want. Private rooms open rooms swimming pool spa.
Really a worthwhile place. Some nights they would have dedicated porn stars there to boost the income and there was a lot of videoing etc...
Best way to tell if there's no info is to give it a try.
Generally as a single guy whatever the cost it will be more expensive than a couple. Maybe best of both worlds hire and escort and take her but make sure she knows what she is in for