Subject: Manhatten Shanghai Freelance
Kinky King
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Post at 9-10-2018 19:32  Profile P.M. 
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Manhatten Shanghai Freelance

Thread Subject: Freelance Shanghai
Date & Time of Session:  September 19th 2018
Location:  Shanghai Manhatten bar
Name:  No idea, something Vietnamese
Nationality & Language: Vietnamese  / Vietnamese ...
Age: 27
Face:  4/5
Body: 3/5  
Skill: 3/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 3/5
PSE: 0/5
Price & Session Length:  2000 RMB "whole night"
Repeat: not this one

Was in Shanghai for business, so I treated myself on a nice night at Manhatten, really a pity we do not have any bar like this in Shenzhen.
Came in a bit late around midnight or so. surprised me that the bar was not fully packed like it normally is.

Ordered a bottle of whiskey and had a nice spot on the end of the bar near the dance pole.
It seems more and more Chinese and Vietnamese girls do facelifts/body corrections, not the best jobs are done, and it seems like its done by the same doc, as they all look alike.
its is sometimes scary to see when the "stage light" lights up their faces.... you need to be a bit picky these days ;)

One girl did catch my eye, normal next door girl, she didn't look too slutty ( can be nice though ;)  
chatted her up, but it turned out she did not speak any English, just Vietnamese.... long story short.... she was very sweet, did not do this "job" for a long time, just two weeks or so. Took her to the hotel, shower together, she started to get shy already... bit too much body fat...  but she had a really beautiful face, and she looked even better with my cock in her face She only offered "whole night" service, so I let her suck me gentle for about 1 hour or so, i mean she was there anyway

she was a sweet girl, but not fit for the job, simply too sweet and never saw the big city before.
Finished on her nice b - cup boobs, and the second time CIM, the first time in her life... she smiled ;)

I do like Manhatten a lot, but you need to take your time to chose and pick one who speaks English.

Happy punting all!

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Recent Ratings
skycaptain   12-10-2018 05:20  Acceptance  +1   
john1958   11-10-2018 12:08  Karma  +5   Hot!
hotjac   11-10-2018 06:47  Karma  +3   Agree - Shenzhen could use a few places like this.
Bodasen   11-10-2018 00:18  Karma  +4   Original
batman108   10-10-2018 13:35  Karma  +3   Awesome and thanks
Nycpunter   10-10-2018 12:34  Acceptance  +2   
MothToAFlame   10-10-2018 09:10  Karma  +4   Favorable
Tybear   10-10-2018 07:01  Karma  +5   Nice, Virgin CIM-nasty
aznsensation22   10-10-2018 00:05  Acceptance  +1   
austin821   9-10-2018 20:18  Acceptance  +2   Thats one mixed up punt/report

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