Subject: willing to help make a booking
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Post at 4-1-2018 11:39  Profile P.M. 
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willing to help make a booking

hey fellow mongerers

i am trying to setup a meeting with the honey girls in the sai wan/ shueng wan area, but when i call the agent and speak english they only speak chinese and hang up on me. is there anyone willing to contact them for me to make an appointment? the same happens with the central agent for honeygirls.

i am a respectful and polite punter who treats the ladies well as can be seen from my reviews.

i have tried wechat msgs with the agents who have wechat however they do jot respond...

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bohica   12-7-2018 20:21  Acceptance  +3   You can try texting agent. Perhaps use a translation app to request in Chinese?
batman108   4-1-2018 12:27  Acceptance  +2   Good luck
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Post at 8-1-2018 02:21  Profile P.M. 
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Yea mann i hear in the same way is just use text n use ggogle translation to for me bro
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Post at 16-2-2018 01:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by NaughtyN at 4-1-2018 11:39
hey fellow mongerers

i am trying to setup a meeting with the honey girls in the sai wan/ shueng wan area, but when i call the agent and speak english they only speak chinese and hang up on me. is the ...

this world is all about benefits. if u can offer some incentive for bros to help u out then im sure someone would help.

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Post at 29-6-2018 14:24  Profile P.M. 
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Hmm, i also do not speak anz cantonese and I am far to lazy to use a translator software. With some web research zu should be able to find some English speaking agents or girls. Maybe it will not be the first one, but if Zoe invest some time it surely works out well.
Just send messages to a couple of girls and see what comes around. Most important thing is, to make sure that Zoe find a real one and no fake. So after some chatting around, I strongly advise you to ask for some recent selfies made in HKG. If a reply in that take long Zoe should be careful. In the end a short video call might be the final confirmation.
I use this way usually. As I do not want to involve agents and as I prefer freelancers this works well.
Nevertheless, I also got in contact with some agents with a good English. Some of them are even willing to send some pictures of the girls to choose.
I hope that I could have been helpful. Have a beautiful weekend!

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