Subject: Lucky Spa TST Humphreys Blvd Xiao Wan
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Post at 1-11-2017 19:42  Profile P.M. 
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Lucky Spa TST Humphreys Blvd Xiao Wan

Name: Xiao Wan
Time & Date: Monday Oct 30th noon
Joint: Lucky Spa, ... l?ref=Search(region,building)
Language: Mandarin.  I think she might understand Cantonese a little but she’s 100% PRC.
Face: 4/5 Pretty Face
Body: 4/5 Nice body, b cups firm and youthful.
Age: 24 years old
Skill part 1: 3/5 See Below
Skill part 2: 3.5/5 See Below
Service: 3/5
GFE: 3/5
PSE: 2/5
Damage: $600 60 minutes
WIP: Yes

My 3rd visit to this place.  Tried to book Zoe for a 3rd time, she is flirty on wechat, clever girl, it keeps me engaged and wanting more.  In fact afterwards when she got hold of me later, she asked me to come to shenzhen.       If only...

I booked via wechat with the spa, but they didn't catch my english.  I wrote I wanted Zoe, but again I did say there would be some english translation issues, and they had no idea I wanted zoe.  I don't think it was a bait and switch issue, it was a language issue.  Because Xiao Wan was the only girl there and she was calling up the mamasan and trying hard to find out what mystery girl I was asking about.  It took them 10 minutes to figure out who I wanted, and then finally were able to say Zoe was off.  

Meanwhile I had looked over Xiao Wan a few times and I was more than interested.

Xiao Wan is a little more sexy, with her makeup, she's a pretty face, has a couple small tattoos, one on the ankle, she just seems more sexy and naughty, just her demeanor.   She also has a nice figure, she's not skinny at all, not a spinner type, but she has a slight hour glass figure happening.  I liked that she was not too thin.  She also is a milky white skin and nice breasts.

Part 1
Xiao Wan gives much better pressure.  It's a medium pressure, not super strong but not bad, her technique is all in her thumbs though, so the massage is more of pressure points from her thumbs.  She starts with dry and goes to oil massage.  Definite improvement.

Part 2

She can understand cantonese but not speak it, and we had to talk exclusively on wechat because I don't know mandarin at all.  She offered me a $500 or $600 package.  I'm pretty sure the $500 was clothes on and $600 clothes off.  At least that is what my hope was when we were typing to each other.

Sure enough her top comes FULL OFF, not just pushing it down a few inches like Zoe, but top came fully off, and then the black shorts were removed and she was just in her panties.      Woohoo!  She's fantastic!

She let me play with her boobs and she gave a very sensual and sexually charged massage.  She rubbed her tits over LB, and I really enjoyed holding her breasts, they were naturally firm and wonderful.  

For the grand finale, she climbed on top of me, got into reverse cowgirl position (Of course panties still on) and jacked me off while I held onto her breasts.  

Oh boy, she put on a show.  I didn't have access to LS, no DFK, and it didn't appear more was on the menu, but she gave me a very sensual experience and it was excellent.

I think tonight or tomorrow is her last day, but she will be back next week.  She is NOT listed on the girlsDB ad, she said she was really shy.  So I have no photo to show you, but she is an attractive young thing, that I don't mind playing with her again.  She said just ask for Xiao Wan if I want to book her again.  Definitely would repeat.  I probably like her more than Zoe, just because she's a little more sensual and naughty, whereas Zoe seems your sweet innocent beauty.  Both are flirty and fun on wechat and in person.  Can't go wrong either way.

The girlsDB shows other pretty girls, might need to keep exploring this place!!

Tried two girls and already had quite a difference in service.  YMMV!!!!

[ Last edited by  mchk at 1-11-2017 19:46 ]

Recent Ratings
whatsnext   29-11-2017 05:57  Acceptance  +1   Fantastic. Mind to share her wechat name?
orangerange   11-11-2017 19:46  Karma  +4   Thanks for reporting
quartz13579   6-11-2017 03:55  Karma  +4   
56kicks   3-11-2017 04:41  Karma  +3   
blast77   2-11-2017 14:15  Karma  +6   Thanks
Mister   2-11-2017 08:53  Karma  +4   Favorable
batman108   2-11-2017 02:20  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
ramont   1-11-2017 23:38  Karma  +5   thanks
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Post at 1-11-2017 21:44  Profile P.M. 
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They are not adding me on Wechat...

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mchk   3-11-2017 13:42  Acceptance  +1   Whatsapp : 91452081 Wechat : luckyspa888 They added me right away during day hours.
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Post at 5-11-2017 21:43  Profile P.M. 
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I may go visit with a friend or two. Any idea how big their capacity is? As in, how many girls would they have at the same time, or else how many rooms. I don't want to share a room or anything though, we're close but not that close lol

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Mister   6-11-2017 12:36  Acceptance  +3   Like most of these “spas”: 4 or 5 rooms; barely enough space for one customer in a room!
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Post at 6-12-2017 13:44  Profile P.M. 
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@whatsnext  Sorry mate, deleted her wechat account and I don't think she's come back.  I've been back to luckyspa a few times she's never there and I've asked about her and I'm not sure she's coming back.

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