I'll start off with this, please step back from the keyboard for one minute and read what you typed in your first post.
While your intent may not be to come across as making racial judgements, it clearly reads that way. Just a call out, I'm a Caucasian American myself so I'm coming from that perspective.
Your bucketing of the people and countries comes off as objectification and even worse racist. I'll assume best intentions on your part and address some of your questions.
I've been to all of your listed options and honestly, I would say your perceptions are well off the mark. If you've been to all these places and hold these opinions then we will agree to disagree. If you're going off of YouTube videos as your source of intel, then you might want to heed the advice from the guys on here.
The members of the board are widely diversified in many ways, the least of which is our race. While this forum is in English, to assume that the members are all Caucasian English speakers is a short sighted assumption.
As referenced above, all your dreams can be found in Thailand. Macau has some cool places, but honestly, service there in my experience is poor in the saunas. Japan costs much and is limited for white boy options. I like to know I have access to the best opetion if I choose to pay for it, that doesn't happen in Japan. Korea has even less chance of delivering what you are seeking.
So, take a breath. Read before you post. Enjoy the massive amount of intel on this board and lastly, don't give these guys another reason to talk shit to me about Americans.