Subject: [Guangzhou] Gangding
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 6-7-2017 23:35  Profile P.M. 
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[Guangzhou] Gangding

Date & Time of Session: 5th of July - 11pm
Location:  Guangzhou,  Gangding Area - behind the Electronics Market - exit D, take left and left again before the electronic market. - I think it's called SHIPAI
Name:  i think it was Xiaoman
Nationality & Language: Chinese - Mandarin
Age: 23
Face:  4.5/5
Body:  4.5/5
Skill: 4.5/5
Service: 4.5/5
GFE: 3/5
PSE: 0
Price & Session Length:  200 / 20min +
Repeat: yes, If I can find it again

Heard about this area from the forum. But I could never find it. So anyway I was out having a drink with a Chinese Friend around Gangding and after a few Beers I told him about this SHIPAI area and asked him if he knew of any Girls we could bang.  He didn't but because we weren't really sober,  we decided to go and look for it. Anyway not sure how long we walked around. He asked some people and somehow we met this woman/mamasan and she took us to an alley and apartment.
I weren't scared but maybe I should have.  In the apartment were I think around 9 women, all between 19 to 26 I think,  keep in mind I had a few beers. I chose this pretty skinny girl called Xiaoman,  can't believe I remember,  but I thought it was funny (small man - xiao man). She took me to a room in the apartment. My friend chose another girl, so I guess there were more than 1 room.  

OK so to the service. She gave me cbj not sure how long but I'm guessing 15min. First standing then on the bed. She then rode me and I remember she had a perfect chinese body with small tips, the last year I've really been into skinny model like Chinese girls. In my eyes she was really pretty as well. Anyway I came short after . It's not too clear,  but I kind of remember she was mouning and massaging my balls as she was giving me a cbj. Thinking about it now I remember looking at her feet as she was riding me and I really liked her skinny tiny feet,  very feminine .

Anyway I really want to find this place again, but I would need to go with my friend again,  can't find it by myself.  I went there today and no luck, but I did see some foot massage places with girls in there with skimpy dresses,  so I'm guessing they might also offer some

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Recent Ratings
draggon38   11-7-2017 00:30  Karma  +2   nice to know!
LeaveForever   10-7-2017 09:08  Acceptance  +1   Good job i left you a message with better directions.
didochili1   9-7-2017 05:36  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
MothToAFlame   8-7-2017 18:45  Karma  +5   Great, keep on reporting
stinkyfeet   8-7-2017 18:11  Karma  +5   
batman108   8-7-2017 00:48  Karma  +3   awesome and thanks
LeoCan   7-7-2017 15:22  Karma  +5   
Corcorigan   7-7-2017 13:08  Acceptance  +1   Thanks man, appreciate the info. Glad you had fun!
twelve98   7-7-2017 09:32  Karma  +5   sounds like a good night
Mister   7-7-2017 08:36  Karma  +4   Favorable
blast77   7-7-2017 06:00  Karma  +5   Excellent
Carnal Conqueror
Rank: 3Rank: 3

UID 127374
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Registered 15-3-2015
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Post at 7-7-2017 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jayswe's post

Thanks for the Karma and ratings guys.
Man... it's hard to get up the RA.
So I really appreciate the ratings.

Any advice on how to increase the RA?

thanks to

Recent Ratings
MothToAFlame   8-7-2017 18:45  Karma  +5   Keep reporting
stinkyfeet   8-7-2017 18:12  Karma  +3   Just keep posting reviews. Took me a year to reach RA60
hotjac   8-7-2017 13:08  Karma  +3   nice read - now to try and find the same in Shenzhen ;)
LeoCan   8-7-2017 02:44  Acceptance  +5   Write more reports! :-)

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