Subject: First Time At 37 Dundas in Three Years
Lustful Lord
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Post at 30-6-2017 17:03  Profile P.M. 
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First Time At 37 Dundas in Three Years

Date & Time of Session:  30June 2017
Location: 37 Dundas located at, not surprisingly, 37 Dundas (2nd Floor - to be clear two flights of stairs up from the ground, also known as:not the first one you will get to, but the next one)
Name: Michelle and Q (Cue?)
Link: None
Nationality & Language: PRC with zilch English
Age: Mid 20's and early 30's
Face:  7/10 and 5/10
Body:  7/10 and 5/10
Skill: 7/10 both
Service: 8/10
GFE: 7/10
PSE: 6/10 (1 point deducted for ridiculous PS moaning)
Price & Session Length:  710 all-in of which I surmise 110 or 120 was for the room
Repeat: Sure

After yesterday's OK K-Pressure adventure, today time to try 37D again. Went to the 2nd floor, e.g. past the first one, one flight up and to the second one, two flights up.

Horrible karaoke (again!) some drunk singing really bad English songs in really bad English.

Go to the little room, which actually has light. Mamasan brings first two. No good. A pair of mingers and old. You know the Ming vases? These two used to make them.

I smile and wait, mamasan comes back and they leave. I tell her younger please (e.g. post Paleozoic era).

Returns with two - Michelle and I think Q, young and old. Michelle the better of the two.

Usual hijinks ensue - up two more flights to 4th floor hotel where a supply of towels and Kleenex enough to supply the PRA for a year are piled up on every horizontal surface. Had to be 1000 towels there being unpacked. The room was standard, round bed, bigger shower with two hand showers, shower with both gals, hot water BBBJ a bit, small amount of girl/girl boob fondling and rubbing, then to the bed.

Again hospital like hygiene when A swaps out for B. They must have used 50 kleenex and 4 wet wipes each, crazy but no harm done.

Did Michelle CG and doggy while Q made a lot of fake moaning sounds.

The mamasan said the price was 500 all in for one, so I am guessing still 390+110 so 710 all in does discount the girls to 300 each, a relative bargain.

Hold out for at least the second pair, as I suspect the first two will always be the ones that have not gotten picked for a while (looking at them, that might be since the end of WW2).

They didn't bring one at a time where you could make your own pair, so I figured since Michelle was pretty good, no sense tossing out the baby with the bathwater. Q was a pretty good BJ girl though, even if she's a bit plain.

Recent Ratings
NeverWong   7-7-2017 15:07  Karma  +2   Excellent
pipolaki   3-7-2017 16:27  Acceptance  +3   
LowKey   2-7-2017 00:19  Acceptance  +1   
porkchops   1-7-2017 16:34  Karma  +4   Thanks!
batman108   1-7-2017 03:00  Karma  +2   awesome and thanks
hotjac   30-6-2017 22:59  Karma  +3   I gotta try this place - just out of curiosity from so many pro/con reports.
UncleDad   30-6-2017 22:40  Karma  +4   Thx for report!
Earthtoner   30-6-2017 22:00  Acceptance  +1   been 18 months since i went (and had a relatively nice young girl who was happy to see me outside the spa for a while) - ...
hkpunter999   30-6-2017 20:24  Karma  +3   
modnar   30-6-2017 20:22  Karma  +3   well done for report, nice 3some , still a nookie since 2012 :P
MothToAFlame   30-6-2017 19:49  Karma  +5   Excellent
GimmeASpa   30-6-2017 19:41  Acceptance  +1   Can you provide some more precise info on the location (a map would do, I am new here)? Also, what time did you go and h ...
cknc31   30-6-2017 18:14  Karma  +3   
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Post at 30-6-2017 20:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 rickyricardo's post

@GimmeASpa  , just do a search on the forum for 37 Dundas  / 37D   , its a legendary place with plenty of info already
Lustful Lord
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Post at 30-6-2017 22:57  Profile P.M. 
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The Address Is The Name

To Gimmeaspa: It's called 37 Dundas because it's at 37 Dundas. The street signs and numbering in HK are pretty easy to follow as the signs show you which direction the numbers run, e.g. 32-34 this way and 28-32 that way and so on.

Go to Dundas and Nathan Road and it's a bit west from there with Dundas at your back. Maybe 50 metres? North side of Dundas.

If you google the address even the Google maps picture shows the entrance. It's a yellow sign on the street, a yellow big sign next to the entrance with pictures of girls (certainly not their workers) and the door is behind two potted plants.

Go in there, up TWO flights not one and bingo bango bongo you are there. I say TWO because amazingly at this address there is another place like it on the first floor and they are not the same entities. They use the same hotel which is on 3 and 4th floors.

Just go in and they will hustle you to a waiting room and the mamasan will ask if it is the first time and explain the costs 500 for one 710 for two and watch out for the old bitties in the start-up rotation.

Watch out that a towel avalanche doesn't get you. They'd never find the body without towel dogs.

[ Last edited by  rickyricardo at 30-6-2017 23:02 ]

Recent Ratings
GimmeASpa   1-7-2017 15:34  Acceptance  +1   Thanks! That's why I wasn't finding it, I thought it was in SZ. Ops!
marmalade   1-7-2017 06:13  Karma  +3   Hehe towel dogs

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