Subject: SPA Massage Futian
Kinky King
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Post at 1-6-2017 12:29  Profile P.M. 
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SPA Massage Futian

Thread Subject: Spa - Massage ( see image)
Date & Time of Session: 31-05-17 midnight
Location:  Futian border
Name: YoYo
Nationality & Language: Chinese - Chinese
Age: end 20's
Face:  3/5
Body:  3/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 2/5

Price & Session Length:  418 - 90 minutes
Repeat: yes probably

sorry i cant pronounce the name of this place, but it is more or less next to the watercube, only 200 meters away from the Futian border.
when you leave the customs building go right, at the road , at the T crossing, you will find the massive big waterfall SPA, here you walk 50 meters to the right and you will see an entry to a smaller SPA, it based on the second floor.

have been here a few times now, and it is good value for money. you can choose a girl, menu HJ of shoot the gun in mouth ( this is how my phone translated it )
Nice thing about this place is  the girls are friendly and seem to have fun. had really good BBBJ and a massive load CIM.  During the BBBJ she allowed me to play with her pussy and ass.

The girl was about 160 high , slim, cute small boobs, and a nice small firm butt. working with a smile.
Massage was not the best, but her BBBJ were truly good,

saw a tall girl when i was about to leave, would really like to climb in her next time


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Recent Ratings
daz8544   16-6-2017 14:28  Acceptance  +1   Cool review
batman108   2-6-2017 23:18  Karma  +3   awesome and thanks
Xsara   1-6-2017 16:53  Acceptance  +1   Nice one bro... am going to sz nxt few weeks too... thinking of a good spa... normally i go to pacific spa and queen spa ...
jimyum   1-6-2017 12:36  Karma  +5   

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