Subject: BBBJ/CIM @ Hawaii Spa / WanChai
Lustful Lord
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Post at 30-5-2017 19:38  Profile P.M. 
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BBBJ/CIM @ Hawaii Spa / WanChai

Date & Time of Session: 28/5/2017  
Location:  Hawaii Spa
Name:  Didn't ask
Nationality & Language: China
Age: earlier 30s
Face:  3.5/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 2/5
PSE: 3.5/5
Price & Session Length: $700/1 shot/1h
Repeat: probably

After reading few report on this place, I decided to give it a try.
Rang the bell (1B), they open quickly which is good since the entrance is by a bus stop...
She asked if I had an appoitment which I don't, nvm she show me a room with shower inside and asked me to shower (alone)...

Started the session with a good body massage, she ends it by tickling my balls with her fingers.
She offered few options that I don't really get (a part HJ - my mandarin is rudimentary...)
I asked BBBJ, she seems annoyed but agree then undress.
Good technique, let me hold her head gently, since she has hug boobs I got also some boobs massage as well.
Ultimately end up in CIM.

Shower, paid and left.
She is not too chatty, attitude is def not GFe, overall it was mechanical but it does the job...

Recent Ratings
Mister   30-5-2017 22:04  Karma  +3   Would give more Ks if you had her name or WeChat pic. Why would she be annoyed by a chance for more $$?

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