Got into KL super late, around midnight, made it to my hotel around 1AM... got checked in, showered and headed to Beach Club. Honestly, after 30 hours of travel, I wasn't really thinking all that clearly, and add a few drinks to the mix and I'm surprised I'm awake enough to type this...
I had heard from a friend that most of the crowd was older chicks from Vietnam, and prices were high... well, there were a few of those. There were also some stunners!
Sadly, this isn't a great report with me banging some hot little 20-something...
I ended up talking with some older chick from Vietnam for about 30/40 minutes, and she could tell that I was busy checking out other chicks. This girl was cute, but was a little heavy for my taste. She was attractive thought, and I couldn't seem to walk away from her.
Throughout the hour or so we chatted, I did manage to chat with some younger / hotter chicks, but none of them seemed all that exciting.
So, come to the end of the night, they're kicking people out and the subject of money comes up - she wanted $200 USD. I said no. Not that she wasn't attractive, she was, but there wasn't any passion, she wasn't grabbing me or kissing me or making me feel like I was going to have a great time.
On the way out, I ran into a chick that kept staring at me all night... and she was straight up asked me to fuck her. I said sure.
Name : Crap. I can't recall. Ugh.
Nationality: Myanmar - a first for me
Age: I'd say early 30's
Face: 6.5/10
Body: 6.5/10
GFE: 10/10
PSE: 8/10
Price : $400 MYR
Repeat: No
Hopped in a cab and she said that she was happy, that she really wanted to fuck me, and started some really nice DFK.
She had a really sexy look, but not really hot - and definitely had a few extra pounds... not my typical type, but I was pretty horny at this point.
Back to my room and she starts undressing me and telling me that she just wants to please me. She just had a really sexy way about her that overcame any deficiency in looks...
The blowjob was outstanding! She kept looking up at me with this "i love sucking your cock" look. I was dying! She would pause every so often to say how much she wanted to feel my cock inside her. After about 15 minutes, we switched to doggie, and I lasted about 10 minutes before I blew. At this point, after 30 hours of travel, I told her I needed to sleep and she took off. She offered to stay and do another round in the morning, but I needed to sleep and I'm not really into sleepovers with chicks I just met.
All in all, a pretty good punt with a girl I wouldn't have chosen at first.
Beach club was pretty packed, and I can safely say that there was some REAL talent there. I met a few super hotties, and probably would have quickly closed the deal with one of them had I not been so tired! LOL! What was interesting was the sub-economy around Beach Club, from guys selling Cialias, to the cabbies waiting to take people, it was pretty incredible. I'll be going back before my trip is done, for sure!
I had originally been planning outcall with a good looking Thai chick that I should have just done, but decided to postpone until tonight... I wanted to be a little bit more rested for this chick!