Subject: Zhuhai Near big Huafa Mall
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 4-4-2017 06:09  Profile P.M. 
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Zhuhai Near big Huafa Mall

So full disclaimer here, I haven't actually punted here yet but it seems to have some potential.  The Zhuhai scene is absolutely dead and I always go to Hong Kong when I'm looking for some fun but I stumbled on something I thought could be interesting.  So near the big new haufa mall there is a shopping area (I think it's called Nan Ping or something along those lines).  If you are standing in front of the mall on the main road facing the mall to the left across the street is this shopping area with lots of outdoor BBQ carts and people selling things everywhere.  Not far from the BBQ area behind all the shops is a residential area with tight alleys and walkways.  (I'll try to get a better map and or directions once I better scope this out).  So I was told by a chinese friend that this is where all the local guys go to punt and he walked me through there once really late at night.  The girls sit outside on little plastic stools by the door to their flats.  I saw two the night I was there but it was very very late.  When we asked how much and she quoted him 100rmb for 10 min quickie.  The funny part is when we asked how much for me she said no.  (Maybe because I'm a foreigner but could have been my size as I've gotten that before in Hong Kong).  The two girls I saw were fairly attractive and youngish (in their 20's).  I was also told that there are older women in their 40's and 50's who will give you a go for even cheaper (which is kinda scary).  Anyway just wanted to give people some leads on Zhuhai.

Recent Ratings
zorkelias   3-5-2017 13:33  Acceptance  +1   
Taiwanlaowai   8-4-2017 21:42  Acceptance  +1   
homealone1985   5-4-2017 20:30  Acceptance  +1   
stinkyfeet   4-4-2017 18:25  Karma  +5   Lots of those places all over China and totally anti-foriegnor. Local only place

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