Subject: Club 102 bangk
Lustful Lord
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Post at 20-3-2017 22:41  Profile P.M. 
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Club 102 bangk

I took advice from the forum (thanks jake) and went tired out soi 24.

I walked by club 102 and saw a cute girl at the door.  Went in and the manager organized a nice lineup.  I liked the line up and choose the girl I saw at the door.

Along with a few other punting places I have been to in Bangkok is was owned by a white guy.  I have been surprised to see how many foreigners own punting places in Thailand.  

This place is kind of set up like a old world boredelo with a lot of red interior color.

The rooms were full and I took a seat on the sofas and my girl got me a beer. 140 bhat for beers.

In about 20 minutes till the rooms opened up.  I settled for 3 beers, the girl and the room for $3k.

Went upstairs and saw the room - similar set up to darling I in Macau except 1/3 the size and the ceiling is low.  Also no mirrors, damn I liked the mirrors at old darling 1.

I don't exactly  know remember the girls name - might be Beebe.  I have her real name but I don't want to post it.  She is 28 years old, regular Thai complexion, she looks so similar to a Asian American girl I dated just darker, has no tattoos (she said her mother told her don't come home if she ever got a tattoo), a good body, okay butt and the best boobs of any girl I have ever felt - escort, massage, stripper, porn star, playboy and penthouse model.  They are real and they are spectacular.  

Her service was okay - covered bj, sex ect.

Good massage but not great.

She speaks good English and it was fun talking to her.  Am friends with her on Facebook after today.  

She seemed like a nice person.  Just in conservation It slipped  that she does not have a good job.  She meant the occupation she has chosen and she kind of mentioned her goal to open her own business outisde Bangkok in a few years.

I had a good time.  I like the set up and the quality of girls.   It was a professional operation.  Much better than a go go bar.

Macau darling I quality fun for $100.

Recent Ratings
jimyum   21-3-2017 12:33  Karma  +4   
lefeu   21-3-2017 09:27  Karma  +6   Yeah, cbj sucks
Freelancer   21-3-2017 09:00  Karma  +4   Favorable
jeffzeke   21-3-2017 08:16  Karma  +4   good punt, thanks for sharing.
paladin310   21-3-2017 07:46  Karma  +3   4.7 on Google lmaooooo...and fprget CBJ places.
Dr.A   21-3-2017 01:15  Acceptance  +1   CBJ, another place to avoid :-(
JJJ37   21-3-2017 00:11  Karma  +4   
stinkyfeet   20-3-2017 23:00  Karma  +4   Another one for the bucket list

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