Subject: KH 10F A6 Mila Russian
Kinky King
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Post at 12-1-2017 21:59  Profile P.M. 
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KH 10F A6 Mila Russian

Date: 12/1
Location:  KH
Name: Mila
Link: n/a
Agent: n/a
Nationality & Language: Russian, decent english
Age: didn't ask, look like 25-27
Face:  normal with big eyes
Body:  big tits with a small belly
Skill: 4/5 bj skill is good
Service: 3/5
Price & Session Length:  $600 30min
Repeat: no

Went for Mila this evening. She had a good smile when she opened the door. Shower alone. As I want to DFK her she said I don't know how to FK, I asked her to teach me, then she said we only have limited time and she said she will teach me next time. CBJ with some
DT, it's good. She has Tattos around her waist, one at her back, one on her ankle. I went for doggie,Mish,then on top   She said she will stay until 23 Jan. Her tits are in good shape around 33-34C. It's strange that she told me many ppl don't know how to have FK, she said they just put the tongue in your mouth, she said it's not like that...Any expert here? FK really no tongue involved?

Recent Ratings
salvarez   20-1-2017 11:38  Karma  +3   I Concurr. Banged her too. Nice fck.
cookiemonsta   13-1-2017 20:41  Karma  +4   Excellent
uzaktbk   13-1-2017 12:52  Acceptance  +1   Excellent
jeffzeke   13-1-2017 12:47  Karma  +3   big tits and small belly, a good combo!
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Post at 13-1-2017 00:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johnxyz's post

I'm no expert but start with a open mouth and kind of touching lips open and close slightly and insert tongue a little to explore her tongue and while still kissing with open and close mouth on lips.
escritic (Just a teddy bear)
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Post at 13-1-2017 17:02  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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What kind of FK? LFK? DFK? What kind of DFK? Making love DFK or fuck fest DFK? Yea... a lot of variations. So... she didn't take the FK 101.

Offering BFE to the chosen ones
Kinky King
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Post at 13-1-2017 19:46  Profile P.M. 
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i mean DFK. She told me all Chinese guy put the tongue in her mouth at the beginning, but I ain't like that, but she refuses to have kiss when I was trying to.
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Post at 13-1-2017 21:51  Profile P.M. 
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thats shame  she properly not offer dfk again

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