Subject: Once upon a time in King Hing
Lustful Lord
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Post at 5-1-2017 22:13  Profile P.M. 
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Once upon a time in King Hing

Cruising down King Hing elevators. This time though, I'm accompanied by 2 skinny, giggly Russian girls. Both are about 5.5', short dark hair, looked more Kazakh than Russian. One of them, the chatty one, reminded me of this girl. Now you might be thinking, great scouting, should ask them up to the 14th for some 3some fun and the thought definitely crossed my mind. But under the bright elevator light, wearing minimal makeup, what struck me was just how young these girls looked. One was actually pretty pimply. Maybe it's reminder of another year gone by, but I was uncomfortable. I was contemplative, thinking about life choices and power dynamics, which is probably why I think I ended up in front of Lily's door on the 9th floor.

Location: KH 9 (erm, turn left, left, and it's the door immediately on the left)
Nationality and Language: Chinese + Passible english (from Chong qing?)
Age: Mid 40s
Face: 2
Body: 3
Skills: 4
Service: 4
GFE: 1
PSE: 3
Price: 600+tip
Repeat: Once was enough

Lily's door is quite recognizable as an old, regular provider; it's plastered with pictures and signs. My consciousness about age and New Year resolution to try new things led me to ring her bell. She is the oldest Asian woman I've ever been with. For her age, she's not too bad of a looker, body was still mostly firm, fuckable. Big bolt ons, but her age has actually lent a natural softness around the prosthetics that made them feel pretty good. She sells her special package. My head is not really in the game, so I acquiesce. Shower, thorough washing. Great skills overall in bed, hand techniques, her tit job actually almost got me over the edge - which really surprised me. She noticed and stopped, put on a dom and started on top. Her swaying pendulums were pretty awesome to play with. Other positions, she accommodates well, asks me about the height, adjusts her body to allow better access. Surprisingly, I blow within time. Get dressed, tells me it's cold outside. I should wear more. Thanks mom ...

Wei Wei? Bei Bie?
Location: KH 11 A5
Nationality and Language: Chinese + v. limited English
Age: Mid 20s
Face: 4   (MCOT)
Body: 3
Skills: 3
Service: 4
GFE: 4
PSE: 2
Price: 400+tip
Repeat: When I pull myself together

Not really impressed with my decisions, I decided to give the top floors another one over, minus the 14th floor in case it got me all moody again. Wei Wei was at the very end of a short corridor. Cute little thing, shoulder length hair that was dyed, highlighted with some sort of color, about 5'6". I went in knowing that I probably would not be finishing but I just wanted to end the day on a sweeter note and she was a smiling sweetie. Quiet, almost a bit shy in the bath. I think she might have noticed my dick looked used? Said something about not being the first today? I tell her that she can do her thing but I just want to relax. Nice cbj, good eye contact, I'm happy that I get hard again, and I can enter her. Very good tightness, soft moans. I'm gentle, slow, just enjoying her body. Suck on her natural Cs while I'm thrusting. We pick up the pace and she's quite responsive. I get ambitious and flip her around. Bad idea. I get all limpy in the process. She turns around, replaces my dom and tries to wake me up with some nice cbj. In the end though, I wave my limp surrender in Wei wei's face. She gives it a final peck and a handshake. GG.

Have a fucking good 2017 you perverts.

Recent Ratings
hotjac   8-1-2017 14:14  Karma  +1   Nice afternoon :)
Mister   6-1-2017 11:44  Karma  +5   Gather ye rosebuds while ye may ...
Freelancer   6-1-2017 09:41  Karma  +6   Favorable
UncleDad   5-1-2017 22:30  Karma  +3   Thx!

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