Subject: Failure at Serenity
Kinky King
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Post at 7-10-2016 19:50  Profile P.M. 
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Failure at Serenity

So this isn't really much of a report but rather some questioning on where I might went wrong. So went up to Serenity Spa around 4. Followed the instruction on some other post. Took the first right elevator up to 5th floor and walah the spa is on the left. Gate close and main door close to the unit. So this is where I am not sure how it is suppose to go so I just rang the bell once and a second time after a couple minutes. Hear movement inside but nobody opened up to let me in. So just left and hit up my adventure with Candy at SSP.

So fellow punters so pointers on where I went wrong. Am thinking to try a second time as I'm looking into getting a legit massage as well. Thanks
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Post at 7-10-2016 20:01  Profile P.M. 
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Full booked probably, you are better off msg them on their wechat before going up. The MMS have a good grasp of english and you can ask for the roster and book your desired masseuse.

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TGIfridays   23-11-2016 19:39  Acceptance  +1   Can share wechat for serenity spa pls?
hoo8myryce   7-10-2016 22:13  Karma  +1   Helpful
Kinky King
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Post at 7-10-2016 22:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 Eutopia's post

Thanks I'll try messaging them on their wechat prior to going up next time. Hopefully it all goes well

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