Subject: Thread Subject: Sweet – Fuji – CB – Never again! [Pics]

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Post at 13-12-2015 11:23  Profile P.M. 
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Thread Subject: Sweet – Fuji – CB – Never again! [Pics]

Thread Subject: Sweet – Fuji – CB – Never again! [Pics]
Date & Time of Session:  11/27 @ 1545hrs
Location:  Flat B2, 13/F, Fuji Bldg., 381 - 383 Lockhart Rd., Causeway Bay
Name:  Sweet
Link: Link
Agent: N/A
Nationality & Language: Chinese / Chinese
Age: 32+
Face:  2/5
Body:  3/5
Skill: 4/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 3.5/5
PSE: 4/5
Price & Session Length:  $1000
Repeat: No!

Lets get this out of the way!

1)        Slim figure, cute face! All natty!
2)        Service is good! Pretty much all on the menu i.e. BBBJ, LFK, DFK
3)        K-pop/Jap AV girl fetish! Whatever that submissive anime thing is
4)        She can fuck all day! Without stopping!
5)        Not a clock-watcher at all!

1)        The room smells like weed and cigarettes! Prostitution is legal in HK but not recreational drugs! Not judging for personal choices but it’s illegal at the end of the day. Prostitution has a stigma associated with and if you add drugs to the mixture, the negative connotations are amplified and much worse for gewilo.
2)        The room is messy and so is her attitude! In a profession where bodily fluids are exchanged hygiene is a must to minimize risks for both parties.
3)        Slim – Squishy-Weird belly pouch! Skin elasticity goes down with age and everything becomes squishy!

She is a schizophrenic and has multiple personality disorder.

I felt this vibe within two minutes of being in the room but I am not professional to diagnose it. She was high and probably has to stay sedated the whole time (definitely on pain killers as well). The constant looking in the mirror and weird k-pop vibe was creepy to me! I am narcissistic and vain as fuck and love to stare in the mirror but the way she was doing it, was off! Like she was communicating with her reflection. Schizophrenic. Be careful around her, this is the type of girl that fucks you and then kills you in your sleep.

Don’t stick your dick in crazy!

This was the scariest punt of my life. My unbiased opinion is that it was a great punt! But I could not wait to GFTO of there.

She asked me to take pictures, you cannot say no to this type of girl for fear of what she might do! Whatever I have attached them!

Lastly this all might be a figment of my imagination! YMMV

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Post at 13-12-2015 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hopeyang1988's post

You are shitting me... You just copied another guy's report from a few day's ago. ... &extra=page%3D1

[ Last edited by  Thai-delight at 13-12-2015 11:44 ]
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 13-12-2015 15:18  Profile P.M. 
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Why would u copy a popular report.....
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Post at 13-12-2015 16:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Macau81's post

I guess he was hopeyang nobody would notice.

Moving to the dump with the other rubbish.

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MothToAFlame   9-1-2016 23:57  Acceptance  +3   Good one

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