Subject: Lot of white girls
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Post at 16-11-2014 03:15  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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Lot of white girls

I haven't checked out this site for a long time and noticed that there is a lot more white girls now than before. What happened?

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Post at 16-11-2014 16:25  Profile P.M. 
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white girls love the asian dick now.  new fad.

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Post at 17-11-2014 00:14  Profile P.M. 
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The European economy is falling to pieces.

Add in the Ukraine and Russia problems with the economy it makes more sense for them to go to HK than to stay in their home countries.

The UK is having a massive Romanian influx at the moment. They are cheap but the service is shit.

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Post at 17-11-2014 00:56  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Kennichi at 17-11-2014 00:14
The European economy is falling to pieces.

Add in the Ukraine and Russia problems with the economy it makes more sense for them to go to HK than to stay in their home countries.

The UK is having a m ...

Now that you think of it, that would explain the influx of euro girls in Canada. Been seeing a lot of Italians, and French in my hometown. Don't know about the influx of Egyptian and Brazilian.

Personally I kind of like it, but I'm into white chicks lol. I plan on marrying one someday. Hopefully an Eastern European like Romanian or someone from Croatia. Their women are HOT!

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