Please use the following template and check-list when putting up your reports.
Sharing and Caring is the basis of our forum, but we all recognize that recognition – in terms of being awarded Karma points – is an excellent reason to write up reports. Hopefully this guide will assist you getting such recognition.
You can use the following template to make your reports. Many report sections of the forum may have their own versions, with some irrelevant fields removed, but this one will work for all sections. Below it are explanations and tips.
Thread Subject:
Date & Time of Session:
Nationality & Language:
Price & Session Length:
Thread Subject: The subject is the first thing everyone will notice. So what you put in your subject is the most important in catching people's attention. As subject is one of the criteria for the Search function, please try to include as much information as possible. For HK/Macau/China reports, please include WG's name/tag no., location, etc.
NOTE - For RotW reports, please include the country. Read this for examples:
RotW reports' subject
Date & time of session: Giving the time also helps
Location: Where you had your experience at. If at a KTV or Spa, name it. Districts if in Hong Kong, otherwise which City/Country.
NOTE - DO NOT name the hotel if it is a Hotel Girl (Honey Girl)
Name: The name she uses on her internet Data Base (DB). Please also include this name and location in your title for easier “search” by others who want information on her. If she is a spa girl, also include her ID number
Link: to the girl's page in sex 141 OR another website service you used to source the gal.
NOTE - DO NOT post competing HK websites, or social media sites that reveal the girl’s real name
Agent: Agent’s name, remarks on agent's performance, phone number etc
Nationality & Language: Where she was from and what language(s) you/she spoke and rating of her ability in such
Age: Estimated age of the girl and/or actual age
Face: Your feelings of how the girl looks on a scale of 1-5, any details you want to add
Body: Your feelings of how the girl’s body looks and/or feels on a scale of 1-5, any details you want to add, such as hygiene or fake parts
Height: Your best estimate of the girls height (please specify if this is with our without heels)
Skill: How good was she at what she did on a scale of 1-5
Service: Was it “let’s get this over with” or “service with a smile” on a scale of 1-5
GFE: Did she make you feel like you were the only one for her? “Girl Friend Experience” on a scale of 1-5
PSE: Did you think there must be a camera hidden somewhere? “Porn Star Experience” on a scale of 1-5
Price & Session Length: How much did this all cost you? Actual amount paid to her as well as other incidentals. How long were you supposed to stay and/or how long did you stay?
Repeat: Would you go back for more?
Detailed report of your experience:
Here are some tips on how to get the most K for your report:
PICTURES – Reports with pictures generally earn more K than reports without pictures. There are several guides that talk about how to get real pictures of the WGs you visit.
Remember though, sneakily taken photos are not allowed, and you must give the proper RA to your photos. If you were not able to take photos, but the girl is on the database, you should copy some of her database photos in your report. The database listings don’t last long, but reports last a long time. See
THIS LINK for more information about photos on the forum.
FORMATTING – If your report is hard to read, people won’t read it. This includes things like proper paragraphs, spelling, and grammar. We know that not everyone here is fluent in English, so don’t worry too much about your spelling and grammar. But make an effort.
NOT JUST THE CUT AND THRUST – Some people are not comfortable talking about all the details, and others aspire to write trashy novels. The reports that tell more than the basic details tend to earn more K. Try to write your report for yourself as something you will read again in 5 years.
REPORT QUIRKS, UNUSUAL THINGS/HAPPENINGS – Humor goes a long way, as does interesting/new tidbits of information. If there is anything different about your report, people will comment and ask questions. This gives a report a longer life and earns you more K.
USE ALL THE FUNCTIONALITIES OF THIS FORUM – Make your report pleasing to the eye; use emoticons

different coloring,
italics and whatever else you can think of to make your report stand out.
DO NOT BE CONFRONTATIONAL OR RUDE – Humor is difficult on forums because of all the different types of people who read it, so please be careful with it. Some things will get you negative responses and maybe negative K. These include: even slightly racist references, disrespectful language towards WGs, implying that the girl didn’t like what you were doing, or violence of any sort. Also, remember that no one is forcing you to sleep with these women. There is no need to go on and on about how fat a WG is or how unattractive she is. You had sex with her. Maybe she was heavier than you normally like, or maybe she had blemishes on her face, but you still chose her. You can report the truth, but there is no need to be rude about it.
DO NOT BE LAZY – Last but not least, don’t be lazy in writing up your reports as others will immediately spot your half-hearted effort and will just as quickly dismiss it. You’ve already decided to take the trouble to post up a report, why not REALLY put up a GREAT report? Remember, anything worth doing is worth doing well! Also, do go back and re-read your report AFTER you’ve posted it up to make sure that it’s the best it can be by correcting all spelling mistakes and grammar, and of course make sure that it does say what you meant your report to convey! You can edit your report for 6 hours after you post it.
You don’t have to include all of these details. This is only a suggestion. Write in a way that is comfortable for you. The earning of K should
NOT be your primary reason for writing.
Last edited by porkchops at 18-6-2020 12:07 ]