Subject: Eat or No Eat? That is the Question...
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Post at 5-6-2008 18:37  Profile P.M. 
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Eat or No Eat? That is the Question...

Since JGaw asked how many punters DATY, what I wanna know is how many of you sick fucks DATY during or after you pound that pussy?

This number will probably be way lower than the 40ish % from the other poll

[ Last edited by  5-htp at 5-6-2008 18:39 ]

c'est le jizz
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Post at 5-6-2008 18:40  Profile P.M. 
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so why not start a poll then instead of asking :-)
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Post at 5-6-2008 18:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 hamsupgwai's post

i'm trying to start the poll, but i think i did somehting wrong, or i didnt do something, fuck this shit is confusing

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Post at 6-6-2008 19:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 5-htp's post

Never did DATY after a fuck. Don't know what you mean by DATY during fucking - impossible unless you're a contortionist.
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Post at 6-6-2008 23:54  Profile P.M. 
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Wat it mean ???     
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Post at 7-6-2008 01:55  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by tonto1509 at 6-6-2008 19:09
Never did DATY after a fuck. Don't know what you mean by DATY during fucking - impossible unless you're a contortionist.

I think it means a bit of the old in-out, then some tongue exercise, then more in-out, then more eating, then more...
I don't mind doing it - it's not as though it was someone else's dick that has been pounding away (unless in a gang bang).

If you won't DATY after your own dick has touched the pussy, are you honestly going to tell me you wouldn't give yourself a BJ if you were able to (like monkeys or dogs obviously can)?

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swan (big titty hg CONNOISSEUR!)
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Post at 7-6-2008 03:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 CunningLinguist's post


...indeed you are honest to a fault...but maybe many bros can't/won't admit to this plain simple truth...
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Post at 7-6-2008 03:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 tonto1509's post

what i meant was to eat it after a few pumps, then go back to pounding, then, munch on the box again. pump away, etc... u get it? basically what CUNNING said... and if i could suck my own d!ck, who knows how much money i'd save

c'est le jizz
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Post at 7-6-2008 04:46  Profile P.M. 
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In the heat of the moment...

...not with a WG, but with the wifey or mistress or GF I do this OFTEN.  Often meaning about 50% of the time when I am really like a dog in heat and really into it.  I will often bang away until I am about to cum and then give her a tongue lashing.  I tend not to soften in this aroused state simply because I am into it and not that old that I would go soft because I have less sensation surrounding my cock.  When I am done tasting the love juices, I slip it right back in, although the cock gets a bit dry so you have to re-moisturize either with some saliva or just slowly poking in deeper and deeper until cunt juice surrounds your cock again.  For me, I can't have this with a WG  because usually I do this bareback, I would never go down on a WG cunt and don't like the taste of rubber/latex.  This is during what I would consider buck-wild sex with non-stop kissing, licking, sucking and everything else in between here and everywhere on the human body.  It is my favorite thing to do when she is dripping wet and I just muff dive.  Afterwards I have a nice looking beard/mustache made out of dried pussy juice that looks like white powder or crust, depending on how thick the juices were laid onto my face.  As a matter a fact, the wife will sometimes return the favor before we initiate coitus once again.  I live life passionately, I feel that there is absolutely nothing taboo or wrong about this type of action as long as it is with a GF or wife.  It's not an act but simply an expression of the natural sexual human animal trait.  I would not/could not do this with a WG simply because it is a psychological thing, perhaps she would love it but I'll take a pass (no offense to the brothers who are down with this act with WGs).

So yes, I would muff dive, tongue fuck, slurp/drink down juices after my dick has been in her, even if lots of pre-cum entered her during.  Come to think of it, there are times when I have cum 2-3 times in her, and during the 4th session of sex, I would still muff dive without hesitation.  Never really smelled my own cum during but perhaps it was because I was SO INTO IT that it did not even cross my mind.  When I have sex with WGs, I enjoy it for me.  When I have sex with wife/mistress/GFs I love making her feel pleasure as much as I feel pleasure for myself and the passion is 1000Xs more than with any WG.  The reason why I hit WGs?  Something new, no other excuse than something new.  Brothers know what I'm talking about.  Best sex is never with a WG, always with a SO.
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Post at 7-6-2008 08:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 sexpert's post

Yep!!! With GF. Not with WG.

Ok sexpert, you dun have to be so juicy .........

Now, any bro swallow ur own cum??? CIM then she spit into ur mouth ask u to taste what she always tasted

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Post at 7-6-2008 12:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 sexpert's post

Now that you've explained it I might give it a go. The wife won't like it so I'll have to find a GF - no WG. Got to try everything.
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Post at 7-6-2008 15:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 hunter's post

should start a new thread for bro's who have eaten their own joy juice... would be an interesting one hunter

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Post at 8-6-2008 03:08  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 7-6-2008 08:01
Now, any bro swallow ur own cum??? CIM then she spit into ur mouth ask u to taste what she always tasted

You first, hunter. Maybe you've done it already. Ever tried another bloke's cum (via the girl's mouth, of course)?
I put my hand up - I'm not that adventurous (even with my own juice).

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Post at 8-6-2008 03:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 CunningLinguist's post

LOL. i dunno if i can try another dude's jizz, i gotta be REAL fckin high or drunk to get to that state...

c'est le jizz
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Post at 8-6-2008 03:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 5-htp's post

Another guy cum.......Unless I am fucking unconcious and knock down by WG and tie me up.........

Cunning,  NO.....i do not eat my own cum.....slight tap yes....when my GFs spit it onto my mouth (situation 1) and LFK me with her fierce tongue after she came back from the toilet which i thought she already rinse her mouth (situation 2)......

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 8-6-2008 04:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 CunningLinguist's post


...if you dfk a whore, you may have already tasted someone else's cum...

...but more likely than not, if you have done cim with your gf/wife, you've tasted your own cum...

[ Last edited by  swan at 8-6-2008 04:21 ]
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Post at 8-6-2008 05:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 swan's post

do you know that the smell of your cum comes from what you eat/drink earlier?

I drink lots of coffee.....once I CIM on this WG, she said my cum taste ok cos she also drink lots of coffee

So, any bro want to try ur own cum, eat/drink something u fancy right before u unload

Yikes!!!! This thread is gettin nasty.......

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 8-6-2008 06:22  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 hunter's post


...are you sure she said it tasted like coffee or did you accidently taste it via her mouth after you blew in there...
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Post at 8-6-2008 09:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 hunter's post

YOU ARE WHAT U EAT... if coffee is your poison then so be it. when going to a club, suppose to load up on TONS of pinnapple juice!

c'est le jizz
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Post at 8-6-2008 13:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 swan's post

You dun have to taste it, you can actually smell it kiddin..........

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9


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