Originally posted by kevlar at 17-10-2013 18:39
The question I want to ask is, do I have to visit a clinic that specializes in Urology? or can I go to any medical centers? ...
As you've discovered the government tests only cover the most malignant STIs,
and they don't care about your health if you don't have one of the infections they test for ... but it's great for peace of mind
From that startpoint, the fact is all roads lead to Rome, so just pick one of the options and go ... If you go to a GP, he'll either prescribe or refer you ... and if you go to a specialist clinic they'll do their tests which may or may not be conclusive, same as the government clinic
You could cover all the bases simply by going to NeoHealth in Central
They'll screen other STIs that the government don't screen for
in fact, they'll be delighted to suggest a range of tests
because you pay for each one they do
Good luck