Subject: Ever been so infatuated with a working girl?
Kinky King
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Post at 1-10-2013 09:31  Profile P.M. 
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Ever been so infatuated with a working girl?

With only talking to her a few times, but thinking about her a lot and being nervous around her and change of behavior around her? Feel sick around her and can't get out of your head?
It is not love, but have you ever experienced all-consuming infatuation and what was it like?

[ Last edited by  vc09 at 1-10-2013 09:33 ]

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wander   2-10-2013 04:27  Acceptance  +3   Yep. 5 years later I still feel it.
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Post at 1-10-2013 10:40  Profile P.M. 
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Red Alert!  Red Alert!  All hands on deck!  This is not a drill!   VC09 is taking on water....all hands man your stations!  Bail!  Bail!  Bail!

...all kidding aside, yes, its natural when the chemistry really can fall for a WG...not that its recommended or a good idea however.

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Post at 1-10-2013 13:05  Profile P.M. 
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Haha! Well, there is this very cute manicure lounge girl in a Shenzhen spa....she is locked in the middle of my radar right now. Is there anything that can make my nails grow quicker? I need to have some genuine reasons to book time with her. Still at the trying to play it cool stage, clearly! She does not seem like she will be tempted by money. I think I will offend her if I ask how much can I pay her to do 'massage' in a hotel.

[ Last edited by  vc09 at 1-10-2013 13:07 ]
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Post at 1-10-2013 13:09  Profile P.M. 
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She would probably be flattered if you booked her and didn't need a manicure.  Playing it cool never works in China.

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Petay_1283   3-10-2013 22:34  Acceptance  +2   not a bad idea, that is what I'd do.
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Post at 1-10-2013 13:40  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 kaleu's post

She has this ever so 'innocent' look when working in her little uniforms. So I need to play the innocent customer part. Some Oscar winning performances at this stage but I fear my intention will soon be revealed if she 'innocently' brushes close to LB again!
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Post at 1-10-2013 14:08  Profile P.M. 
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Google "Oxytocin". The feeling is real, and it is chemical.


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vc09   1-10-2013 16:07  Acceptance  +4   Interesting read.
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Post at 1-10-2013 16:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 ggherkin's post

It's a very intellectual and scientific read. All those chemical reactions caused by her tight butt
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Post at 1-10-2013 17:41  Profile P.M. 
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A manicure lounge girl is not quite a WG, but you need to get her out of the "customer" mindset.  There is no way she is that innocent, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to talk to a girl without getting her in trouble with her boss.  So I would just book her and choose your words carefully so you don't seem like a perv.

There's nothing wrong with "I didn't want to wait for my nails to grow before I could see you again."

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vc09   2-10-2013 09:43  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 2-10-2013 00:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 kaleu's post

I think I have some perv characteristics. For example I do not really need to have my nails manicured. If the lounge girls were not wearing short skirts I would probably just bite my nails. Also, I do not see the benefit of hand massage, it does nothing for me. In fact I don't think I have any feelings in my arms and hands. But I've spent a lot of money on hand and arm massages from the short skirted girls.

But I do pop the question eventually: hotel, how much?
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Post at 2-10-2013 01:13  Profile P.M. 
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I think with these types of girls in Shenzhen's spas it's best to be upfront about your intentions, because they can see through it all easily anyways.  Just tell her you're infatuated with her, and are willing to go as far as she is comfortable with... Make sure she knows you are being respectfully frank. Good luck!!

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vc09   2-10-2013 09:43  Acceptance  +4   

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Post at 2-10-2013 04:38  Profile P.M. 
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There is no point in wasting your mental energy being infatuated with a girl if you dont make your move.  More on that in a sec.

Man..., I thought you were referring to a WG you've already been banging!  I have been absolutely infatuated with one (still am) but at least I have screwed her about a zillion times (and she still rocks my world).

Anyway, back to your situation.  Book her now.  Tell her you dont really need a manicure.., that you just came to talk to her and ask her out.  What is the worst that can happen?  She says no.  Oh well..., next.  At least you tried.  

There are a billion possibilities of what you say next or what she will say next so I wont even attempt to go there.  Just ask her out.  If she says no THEN you can try to up-the-anti and suggest you are willing to be generous.  But it seems pre-mature to suggest she is a WG first.  If she isnt you've likely blown any chance you had with her.  If you KNOW she is a WG than what the fuck ya waiting for?  Ask her out and wait for her to ask you "how much will you pay me".
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Post at 2-10-2013 05:10  Profile P.M. 
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ask her out and take her on a real dinner date. Whether you get sex or not it will still be fun right?
At the end of dinner, ask if she wants to come back to your room to "watch tv" or "watch a movie". If she says yes, then you're in business!

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vc09   2-10-2013 09:42  Acceptance  +4   
ggherkin   2-10-2013 07:46  Acceptance  +4   This.
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Post at 2-10-2013 09:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 bonkers89's post

Lots of great advice already - my 2c

a) stop thinking she's so innocent - she's a girl, girls mature early, and boy do they talk to each other!
b) all girls love appreciation and attention
c) don't wait, if you can contact her, contact her - and if you can't then yes go ahead and book a session
d) CLs suggested approach is bang on the money: tell her you're feeling very attracted to her, and want to know if she'd meet you for a Date
e) NO NEED to be explicit about sex, offer money, or talk about going back to your room ... she will escalate if she's at all attracted to you!!  Maybe a "I want to know what would it take to have you love me?" might move things forward - then you can read her reply if she's interested in P4P

My guess is she's probably being hit on constantly by a procession of guys ... which would mean that unless you're unusually good-looking, entertaining, or rich, you need to find a better way to get her attention than the "God you're sexy!" approach ... and being a very attentive gentleman seems to do that quite effectively.  
Not quite the same as 'playing it cool' can send the wrong signal - more like 'play it hot, but non-threatening'.  

There isn't a girl alive who dislikes being attractive, just as long as you stay respectful and avoid trying to control her.

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vc09   2-10-2013 09:42  Acceptance  +4   

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 2-10-2013 11:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 DArtagnan's post

Gents, your words of wisdom are well received, leaving me with both an action plan but unfortunately with a reelection of some missed opportunities!
It's ok, I have converted a few of the chances too, including a cute Shenzhen lounge girl who is now an on-demand sex-friend (her term) but not cheap. In between when we are not having sex she will just keep me company if I'm in Shenzhen, go to restaurants, join me for massage at other sauna, etc. When it comes to having sex, we both get screwed, her literally, me financially (she wants 3000 each time). I know, it's a lot but according to her I am 'helping' her. I know it's expensive but she is quite a tiger in the bed.

The infatuation certainly does go away after the sex.

If I am honest, a lot of the chase is about whether the good looking girl likes me for more than the money only. The points made in the replies are all very relevant. Then I have to ask myself, do I actually care? The girl that I really wanted to get into bed becomes boring after a few times sleeping with her.

Then another one comes along and it's back to square one...

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DArtagnan   2-10-2013 11:56  Acceptance  +1   Only you know if the action is worth the money to you or not - if it is, go for it
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Post at 2-10-2013 12:00  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by vc09 at 2-10-2013 11:31
a lot of the chase is about whether the good looking girl likes me for more than the money only ...

you seem to be mixing things up here

you want the girl to want you for who you are, but then you agree to pay ...
Only way you'll find the answer to that question is by not paying, and that's not a subject for this forum.  

And, when you do find the answer, you'll find out it's more about her prejudices and perceptions than it is about you

and that, my friend
is the key that you're missing

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bonkers89   2-10-2013 22:59  Acceptance  +3   So so wise....
vc09   2-10-2013 17:19  Acceptance  +4   Spot on

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Post at 2-10-2013 14:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 DArtagnan's post

Yeah, Dart is bang on --  and WGs are the wrong people to play this game with. You met in ALL the wrong circumstances.  Building true trust and belief in one-another becomes impossible when you meet as WG<>Punter.

You don't want a girlfriend -- you just want WG gals to say you are "wonderful" in a way you believe it, right?  Good luck with that.

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vc09   2-10-2013 17:21  Acceptance  +4   
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Post at 2-10-2013 18:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 wander's post

Agree with Wander:
Yes indeed, we do want WG's to make us feel like Rock Stars for a few hours.
In that way the job they perform is more than just physical.

Agree with Dart:
Money is the fallback which I quickly resort to.

Converting a WG (I count lounge manicure girls in this category just for this discussion) into a GF is probably complicated. Suddenly you become responsible for them. If they do keep their day job, you will have guys like yourself to worry about.

Probably best to keep the clear division. Nice problem to have however!
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Post at 2-10-2013 23:09  Profile P.M. 
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Have you considered a pedicure and foot massage?  Segway that the feet is a very sensual organ and... take it from there.
Good thing that you are not trying to date a hair stylist / barber

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Post at 2-10-2013 23:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #18 bohica's post

Hmmm, erm, well, there was this hair stylist....seriously hot. I was getting my haircut every two weeks. I had the shortest hair and nails in town.
Eventually I asked her out and her response was always, "yes, but I'm busy that day, etc" then one day I got a txt from her to ask "how about this weekend we go for dinner?" but I was out of town. After i got back she became busy again and then I decided to grow my hair long so that was the end of that

[ Last edited by  vc09 at 2-10-2013 23:57 ]
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Post at 3-10-2013 22:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 vc09's post

I'd simply walk in & ask for the manicure, when she mentions your nails are fine, simply say you wanted to see her again. Watch her reaction then ask her to dinner

@bohica - I have been considering asking a hair stylist out, early days yet but she does not speak good English, good or bad thing?


[ Last edited by  Petay_1283 at 3-10-2013 22:39 ]

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