Subject: United States of Asia

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Post at 22-9-2013 08:16  Profile P.M. 
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United States of Asia

U.S.A = United States of Asia

It's quite funny and a suggestion of the future. All bros should watch this!!!

"We Are All One" or "當我們站起來" is a 10-minute sci-fi fantasy short film I recently completed that explores the touchy subject of how Asians (especially Asian men) are treated and portrayed in Western mass media and how it affects the perception of Asians in Western society. It features a Chinese student living in North America who wonders how things could be different if his people were the dominant race on Earth. When he's warped into an alternate universe where the Chinese are indeed the dominant race, he discovers that things are not what he expected.

Check out this video:

[ Last edited by  beautifulasian at 22-9-2013 08:17 ]
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Post at 22-9-2013 08:26  Profile P.M. 
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You have a lot of latent racism which is further fueled by your low self esteem.
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Post at 22-9-2013 08:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 beautifulasian's post

you know … what might be more fun, and for ole time sake, make a list for us of all the names you've registered here in this forum ~ i've lost track now so instead of talking about your problems with your inability to comprehend male and female relationships not being bound by race, let's talk about your history in this forum instead … less boring at least
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Post at 22-9-2013 11:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 beautifulasian's post

I know someone who had the same feelings as you do. I spent a total of 8 years living in western society and had seen my fair share of racism Asians against Caucasians, Caucasians against blacks, latinos, etc. Racism is everywhere. It is tolerance that gets us by. For people who cannot overcome or accept that they are flawed would blame it on racism. A white gets the job over an Asian - Oh, that's racism. A girl goes for the Latino over an Asian - Oh, that's racism. Come on, self reflect why is it that your girlfriend left you for someone else. You mentioned that she reconciled with you numerous times so there must be some good in you that she saw. ALSO, the fact that she left you must be that you have some flaws that you failed to correct and she had enough of it. So please self reflect on what those flaws are before you blame it on race issues. Stop shifting the blame to racism to accommodate your insecurities and flaws. Correct your flaws and people of all races will see your strengths and values. Cultural differences are real because it governs the way of life, diet choices and values so that is totally different matter.
Find the courage to admit to your flaws, correct them and turn them into your strengths and you will no longer be lonely.

I'd like to add. It is so easy to beat the chest and wail that you've had it bad... everyone's against me... the odds are stacked against me... Those actions will do you jack shit! No one will come to you, pat you on your back and say," Oh poor thing, let me help you through this." Everyone who wallows in their despair will remain there. Those who pick themselves up and actually do something about it will walk out of their perceived disadvantage and make something out of it. This is what separates  men from boys, success  from failures.

[ Last edited by  stanley11 at 22-9-2013 11:09 ]
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Post at 22-9-2013 14:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 beautifulasian's post

Don't you ever get bored of your attitude?  Has it EVER helped you achieve anything in life??  Your self-pity, your disdain for all other races, your pathetic unwillingness to see your own flaws.  Your girlfriend left you because of YOU -  as most self-repecting women would once learning what an insular, judgemental, little man you actually are. Grow up.

Women like MEN.  Not little babies. How long is it going to take for you to see this?

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Post at 23-9-2013 15:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 stanley11's post

Thanks for some of your comments. Though, I believe it is not personal faults but merely a wash - a real mist working against that they fall for a man based upon skin color only! Nothing else. In 95% of cases I can imagine the white woman equivalent of the white man and realise why he's going with Asian. So, essentially the girl is stepping down from her league over... me (us?). But if she can do that.. what gets me is am I lower than even that. What is lower? And if something is, why feel better over your own blood whose A-C-G-T genetic sequence does not respect the other.

Anyway, i'm not attracted to white woman and wouldn't take even the Victoria secrets models - it's not like I cannot score them they are actually easier than Chinese girls, basically not attractive at all... This is when I see why white men go for what I believe is "ours" in the first place. Seem to go around and around sorry abou this post but anyway peace out.

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