Subject: Advice on Ho Chi Minh
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Post at 5-9-2013 16:25  Profile P.M. 
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Advice on Ho Chi Minh


Me and a couple of buddies are heading down to HCMC next week.  We are staying at the A&EM at District 1.  I heard that its GF.

1.  Is that true or do we need to switch to another hotel?
2.  Any recommendations (first time there for all of us) for a 3 days excursion?
3.  Any good places to eat?

Much appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

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Post at 5-9-2013 17:14  Profile P.M. 
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1. I was in hcmc last year and I remember passing by that hotel on a xe om. It had security guard outside and of course reception who you do not want to be seen walking together with a girl up to your room or even if she comes individually she may be questioned if she don't look like a guest.

2. Through my observements, I did find a trick... the trick is to stay at a Hotel with Massage. This means there will be a constant flow of girls entering and leaving the hotel going up and down the elevators and the reception on at the time will not know all of them. So, if you call a girl up, she will be allowed up without notice of security or reception as she will blend in as a massage girl. This way the girl can come to your room.

3. One place. Bui Vein Street, all sorts of food you can imagine (except Dogs, yea in Vietnam people eat dog meat)

Also noticed you made 1 post and have 5 Karma and nobody has given you Karma for this post.

[ Last edited by  beautifulasian at 5-9-2013 17:16 ]
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Post at 5-9-2013 19:41  Profile P.M. 
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I will be in ho chi minh on the 14th sept too...
staying in ho chi minh for 2 day then go to PP...
After PP 3 day then back to HCM or another 3 day

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