The Melbourne, Australia Mongering Scene
Melbourne has several aspects to mongering.
Firstly there are legal brothels, most provide full service, a few provide only HJ or basically HJ with upgrades for those girls that do extra service but most brothels provide full service.
As a rule, in a full service brothel, you can get either relaxation service that includes a HJ or you can get full service that includes BJ and fuck plus a HJ if you need to finish that way. Extra services are available from some girls for example AR, anal etc. Some girls charge extra and others include in the basic charge. Usually the all inclusive girls are older and offer the extra services to clinch a deal.
A thirty minute service is usually one pop, longer times more pops I.e. 2 or more. Some brothels, usually the more expensive ones and some Caucasian ones offer a basic service that is more a starfish experience and an option to upgrade to deluxe service that is what one would find as a normal service in most places. I find it better to avoid these places that have a deluxe service option as is often means a little upgrade to a very basic starfish service and often extra for each activity for example touching, kissing etc.
Costs in a legal brothel vary from $165 for an hour to in excess of $300 an hour. Shorter times and lower cost are available in most places.
The girls vary in each place from old and fugly to gorgeous young things and everything in between. Some places are exclusively Asian girls, some are caucasian girls only and others are mixed. There are a few African girls around but you would have to hunt around to find out where.
See ... LegalBrothels.aspx. For a list of licensed brothels. Also check the yellow pages telephone book under Adult Services, some newspapers, including some Chinese language newspapers and there are also a number of discussion and report websites that have details of mongers experiences with particular girls and brothels.
There are also what are known as Exempt Sexworkers, these are legal service providers that work either alone or with one other girl often as escorts.
Escort services are also legal if registered and are best found in the yellow page telephone book or by ringing a legal brothel. It may also be possible to get a girls telephone number in a brothel and arrange out of hours services direct with the girl.
Some legal brothels (and escorts) offer services of transsexuals and there are some fetish S&M places for those who are into that scene.
Secondly there is a small street walker scene but the girls are reputed to have drug or psych problems so probably better not to worry about these girls.
Thirdly the other side of legal brothels are the illegal brothels that include full service or massage with handjob with girls working on their own or in a massage place that offer services with or without the knowledge of management or on the side to selected customers.
Illegal brothels often advertise as massage servives on such websites a Locanto, Gumtree etc (use google) or in local suburban newspapers for example Leader Newspapers Online.
Costs vary as do the services and the girls themselves, as with the legal brothel scene the range of girls is very varied.
This is a short summary for details of particulars places or girls see individual reports.
Last edited by teltel at 20-6-2013 14:08 ]