Subject: hk - dong guan
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Post at 10-6-2013 05:10  Profile P.M. 
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hk - dong guan

Sorry if i ask silly and easy question. How could i go to changping, dongguan from HKIA?

Kinky King
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Post at 10-6-2013 09:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 maonana's post

This isn't a report, in the future you should paste questions in the QnA section.

Anyway, there are several ways to get from HKIA to DG, and I think we wrote about it not 2 weeks ago.

The most obvious way is to follow the signs at HKIA to go to coaches that take you to China (Mainland, it's called).
It's located at the basement after you exit customs and collect your luggage and enter the arrival terminal.

One of the counters there Eternal East (Yong Dong, if you speak Mandarin), operates a service that takes you to CP. You share a car with several people to get to Shenzhen first past immigration, and transfer to the car that takes you to CP. it takes probably around 2.5 hours max. Cost 220HKD.

The second way is to take a airport bus to Sheung Shui MTR, getting onto the MTR to Lowu Station. Walk across the border to Shenzhen (check google maps for what I mean in physical distance). From the Shenzhen part of Lowu (known in Mandarin as Luohu), there is a train that passes by Changping Station (the station now is called Dongguan Station, but apparently will change name from the 20th to Changping Station). This train is 50RMB, and takes 31min and comes by every 15 min.
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Post at 10-6-2013 21:40  Profile P.M. 
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thanks mr fast. I found just now at hkia website. Go and Go Bus can go direct to eurasia hotel. It cost 280 hkd, I think I would just take it. Once again sorry and thanks.

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