Subject: how are sauna girls selected?
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Post at 4-6-2013 19:39  Profile P.M. 
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how are sauna girls selected?

Question - who selects the sauna girl. Is it the locker boy?

If it isthe locker boy then would it be worthwhile to tip before massage
and request good quality girl. Or is thiis just a good way too throw away
your hard earned cadh.

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Post at 4-6-2013 20:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sboots2's post

While welcoming you to this forum, you should know that you posted this question in the reports section !
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Post at 4-6-2013 21:02  Profile P.M. 
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Oops sorry for posting in wrong place.
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Post at 4-6-2013 21:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sboots2's post

you need to be much more specific ... where are you talking about ? HK ? China ? Macau ?
and what do you mean by "who selects the sauna girl" ? do you mean giving info to the customer on who's good ? or you mean if the locker boy choses who to hire so they actually know who's good ?
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Post at 4-6-2013 21:08  Profile P.M. 
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I was referring to HK saunas that offer fs where the customer is allocated the girl. Hence i was
wondering who at the sauna selects the girl for the customer. Does the locker boy go and get the     girl or it the mamasan.
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Post at 4-6-2013 23:12  Profile P.M. 
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The only thing the locker men can do is to give you some advise on which girl is popular - that's all and that advise may not be that useful as you may not be able get that girl.

Contrary to popular belief, there are no mammas or pappas in any saunas in HK ... there are manager/manageress and their PR (usually) girls in the lounge where you go after you finish showering. The manager(ess) or the PR girl have total control of the girl they give you - even if you want a certain girl or girls they have total control because they can just tell you the girl is busy or not at work that day ... then they chose one for you ... and if you're lucky you get someone close to what you want. Tipping is not common under these circumstances but if they know you're a repeat customer then you might a girl closer and closet to what you're looking for each time you go ... if you're looking for FS, suggest you go to Macau for a more satisfying experience

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