Subject: Major Fing Crackdown In W.C.
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Post at 31-5-2013 12:51  Profile P.M. 
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Major Fing Crackdown In W.C.

Shit the crazies in H.K. are at it again.  They are hell bent on cleaning house in W.C.  They are doing a major crackdown on girls.  They are doing undercover stings at the bars with guys pretending to be punters.  If your out and the girls seems hesitant, you know why.

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b-man   31-5-2013 14:17  Acceptance  +1   Thanks for the heads up.
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Post at 31-5-2013 15:17  Profile P.M. 
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no wonder. wed night phillipine girl kept saying i am police.... i am like yeah whatever. but as a result she didnt budge from 1500 for st....

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wander   1-6-2013 10:52  Acceptance  +1   The public offering is the illegal part. "Solicitation". So just offering would have her busted. Her plan to be saf ...
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Post at 1-6-2013 01:53  Profile P.M. 
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My GF got a text this morning telling her that one of her friends that is or was in WC is in jail. Not sure what or how it happened, guess she thinks she got caught with tickets but who knows

[ Last edited by  Bluemeanie at 1-6-2013 01:56 ]
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Post at 1-6-2013 10:23  Profile P.M. 
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yep I saw a few police officers controlling wgs, yesterday as I was walking in WC I saw a undercover walking with a normal police officer, not too smart to be fair.
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Post at 1-6-2013 10:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 Pluplu's post

Yeah, they go on missions from time to time where they raid bars.  I have been in one during a raid.  Music stops, lights come on.  Doors are closed.  They ignored me completely, but checked the IDs of damn near every gal inside and hauled away a few for visa violations.  (and over the years some of my gals, or their freinds where busted and deported).

So.., this is a common way they try to keep the overall scene from getting out of hand.  

Normally I might have not have wondered much more about it.  But lately..., with the closing of iconic, super-popular bars by the police, and more and more raids, and tougher immigration practises for single young gals..., I am wondering if Hong Kong has finally decided to clean up this scene completely.  That "Wanchai must go!"

I wonder...
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Post at 1-6-2013 16:36  Profile P.M. 
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i'm not an legal expert but is entrapment allowed by HK law? In US for example if you said "I'm not a policeman, I'm not immigration officier" than later they can't bust the girl because entrapment isn't allowed, I've heard. So in US until the punter say "I'm not a policeman" wg don't talk to you....

back to HK, so this girl kept saying i'm police ,I said no I just want to fek you so I bid her 1k for ST. She was offering 2k ONLY AFTER I bid her (thus it's not solicitation,... I guess). but if I truly was a police/immigration she could be busted then....

i'm not sure what is the smart way to play this. Tommorrow is Sunday I head to WH for DH hunt but with what's going on, should I say "I'm not police/immigration" to DH and just say I want to go to hotel with her.... I'm not sure if DH will get nervous to hear those words and I reckon it will be counter-productive...
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Post at 1-6-2013 16:44  Profile P.M. 
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LOL just start grabbing her and kissing her.  Tell her to grab your package too.  Carfield if you don't mind, what is your nationality that would help as well.

I have seen the bar bust routine in Makati as well.  Although they did very little checking of the girls and mainly worried about drugs.  I really think they want Wanchai to turn into another LKF and only want the curtain bars to remain.  Rip off city.

[ Last edited by  slimshanks at 1-6-2013 16:46 ]
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Post at 1-6-2013 18:43  Profile P.M. 
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The girls are worried about being caught with the bar tickets, I have been holding them for the girls for the last few nights so they can cash them in when we leave.

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wander   2-6-2013 04:20  Acceptance  +1   Careful Bro. HK Police will ignore you usually. But if you obstruct their work they'll fry your ass. careful...
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Post at 1-6-2013 20:51  Profile P.M. 
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i'm HKnese educated overseas. unfortunately I don't have gweilou looks.
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Post at 1-6-2013 23:52  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by carfield at 1-6-2013 16:36
i'm not an legal expert but is entrapment allowed by HK law? In US for example if you said "I'm not a policeman, I'm not immigration officier" than later they can't bust the girl because ent ...

In the US, this is not true.  Please see myth #4 at the following site. ... anks-to-movies.html

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wander   2-6-2013 04:32  Acceptance  +4   Hehe. That article was a great read. Thanks!
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Post at 3-6-2013 00:12  Profile P.M. 
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Hari's Bar

The police raided Hari's Bar on friday and saturday night.

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wander   3-6-2013 05:58  Acceptance  +1   Both nites?? holy crap. What is happening in HK??

I am the great pumpkin, and twiceAweek  is my bitch

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