Subject: sorry guus i have some bad news
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Post at 9-5-2013 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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sorry guus i have some bad news

a few months ago i was around queens road wesy and checked out my flings LILY now this girl os service oriented but she passed on herpies to me and after 3months id treatment with whatwver meds are available in the market the doc said i was good to go but advised me i should still were a condom having sex. so with that i jumped right back on to the horse and visited JAY in water street. now thing were going well and blasted my load in her but my dick shrunk and the condom was literally dangaling from her vagina now i think also i might have smeared my load on the rom of her pussy so she might have got what i got. SORRY GUYS MY BAD BUT WANTED TO LET U KNOW IN ADVANCE SHOULD U GO TRY HER. hey! i did warn u ok.
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Post at 9-5-2013 15:48  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 shagmister's post

If what saying is true, you should provide more details (i.e. location, DB link, etc.) of the WGs you have visited.
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Post at 9-5-2013 16:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 shagmister's post

You mean genital herpies? Water Street? You mean Lily at James Mansion TST? Shit man, more details.
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Post at 9-5-2013 19:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 pussycrazy's post

He said Lily with good service. I'm pretty sure he's referring to her..
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Post at 9-5-2013 19:58  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by shagmister at 5/9/13 02:25 AM
a few months ago i was around queens road wesy and checked out my flings LILY now this girl os service oriented but she passed on herpies to me and after 3months id treatment with whatwver meds are av ...

In reviewing your post history, 1.) You seem to have a history of getting sexually transmitted diseases; and 2.) You often treat women roughly. I suspect that you actively look for and engage in unprotected sex. I have no sympathy for you.

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shagmister   10-5-2013 11:19  Acceptance  +1   
blakerighter   9-5-2013 22:52  Karma  +1   Favorable
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Post at 9-5-2013 22:53  Profile P.M. 
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I couldn't agree more.  Ruining things for everyone else and passing around STD's to other's just wrong.
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Post at 10-5-2013 00:54  Profile P.M. 
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Even the most cursory Google search about whether herpes can live in semen or other fluids associated with sex shows that the OP is very far off base with his concerns.

The worst thing about posts like his is that some poor WG may very well lose a lot of business for all the wrong reasons.

Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 10-5-2013 10:20  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah again killing the biz for a poor girl, not sure its a good idea unless you are sure.
Did you tell her what you wrote here or you just left? If she knows she can get tested at least and herpes may do some damage to girls without them knowing. Sugges you warn her if you havent. Also, herpes is not always active from my discussion with a doc (you have surges and this is what buttons shows). But anyway get tested, and if you did look for unprotected sex, go for a shrink, you probably have other (thanathos) issues...
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Post at 10-5-2013 16:01  Profile P.M. 
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i think he is talking about Western/Lily?

damn. if its her it would be a pity cos she is quite good and her bbbj is spectacular.

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shagmister   11-5-2013 18:18  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 11-5-2013 18:24  Profile P.M. 
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well I'm sorry to say I'm at least man enough to say i might still have it coz the doc gave me a green light unlike some of you mofo's who don't say anything and pass it on to girls like LILLY. so please spare me the ruining things routine for everyone else crap to some one how does give a crap..... ok. blakerrighter.

Originally posted by blakerighter at 9-5-2013 22:53
I couldn't agree more.  Ruining things for everyone else and passing around STD's to other's just wrong.


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