Originally posted by MONGERLOID at 1-3-2013 18:05
If there is any doubt, there is no doubt. Live by that.
You're not being paranoid, so ignore that posters comment. Trying to explain the "tracks" away as the "girl donating blood" ...
Where the hell did you read "tracks?"
Your writing style leaves a lot to be desired, or perhaps you have some anger issues towards WGs and low opinions of people in general.
From another of your posts:
Originally posted by MONGERLOID at 25-2-2013 20:18
I also notice the people around me look like utter dregs. Filthy scummy chain smoking dregs.
Finally, 4 out of your 8 posts deal with your paronia of catching some desease. You haven't reported any punts yet, so I don't know if you are actually partaking, but it seems like you might be better off with a different hobby.