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Post at 20-2-2013 10:30  Profile P.M. 
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Copy Phones

My father is over for a few weeks now. We were out walking around Shekou over CNY. I found a couple of streets that sell very high quality knock off gear...


All kinds of things. My father loves buying things like this and selling them back in the UK ha ha ha

But what surprised me is we went into a store and there was every phone going - I picked up a Samsung Galaxy S3 - I swear I could not and still cannot tell the difference between this phone and the real thing, it is damn perfect! I only paid 900 for it. My dad loves, I have tried all of my sim cards in this phone and they all work!

Has any one else tried buying a fake phone?

Everything on this phone works perfectly. I have even watched football matches on it etc..

I tried a fake iPhone a couple of years back but it was terrible.

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Post at 20-2-2013 11:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Petay_1283's post

really, only 900rmb, and it worked? shit I got to get one. So you tested it in HK right? and it works perfectly?
doghead (dog)
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Post at 20-2-2013 13:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Petay_1283's post

It may be a real phone, just a refurbished 2nd hand one that was purchased or stolen in HK.
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Post at 20-2-2013 14:21  Profile P.M. 
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the phones itself is pretty good except for the camera, i guess you cant fake the lense.
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Post at 20-2-2013 17:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 helloitsme's post

Umm.. Have you seen my phone??

Everything (Even the camera) works great!

Yes my father is actually using his HK sim card in the phone. My China Pay as you go sim card works fine but my fathers China sim card does not. Maybe because it is a contract sim card?

I am not sure.

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Post at 23-2-2013 03:41  Profile P.M. 
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you guys should check out the google nexus4 phone. Its the latest & greatest - came out only 4 months ago. top notch phone for US$350 (16gb Storage). Buy on the google PLAY  store.
I think the price is being subsidized by google. All other competing phones are $550+ !!
Comes all fully unlocked too. Not available in HK yet, sorry guys, but maybe soon! Only in North america, europe and australasia I think

I just got one and love it!
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Post at 26-2-2013 21:55  Profile P.M. 
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i bought a fake iPhone 2 years ago because it had a 2 SIM card feature which I thought would be useful travelling around Europe. The 2 SIM feature worked brilliantly but the rest of the phone was totally CRAP! wifi CRAP. it event had a bloody stylus LOL!!! which was also CRAP.

cost me HK600 at the time.

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 27-2-2013 09:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 TonyToro's post

Ha ha ha I bought the same phone and yes it was crap!

I had a look at the fake iPhones the other day as my supplier asked me for one. They had a crap one and a perfect one, the woman told me the crap one was 500 and told me it was no good but for the Chinese people who wanted to be seen with an iPhone.

The other one was perfect, no way you could tell any difference. This one was 1000 and I bought this and the new Samung together for 1600.

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Post at 27-2-2013 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 Petay_1283's post

As doghead says, it could simply be a refurbished one or simply a stolen one...

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Post at 27-2-2013 14:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 CunningLinguist's post

It certainly could be. In fact it has to be one or the other I think.

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'

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