Subject: where to find older lady/MILF
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Post at 2-2-2013 02:13  Profile P.M. 
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where to find older lady/MILF

im new here. ive punted 4 times in the last 3 months or so. since im in HK, i figure i might as well.

i have a list of things id like to do(sexual things) and on that list is an older lady; specifically, one that is twice my age. now, at 24 years old(25 in just a few days!), i figure id better get to it before im looking for a 60 year old! any fellow punters know of a decent looking lady who is mid-40s to 50? i know at that age things arent going to be perfect, tight, smooth, etc., but id like to find a lady who looks ok and doesnt make me want to . so, who do i need to go to to get a decent session? are there any WGs that old still in service or am i looking for something that doesnt exist? any help, suggestions, names, or places would be appreciated!
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Post at 2-2-2013 08:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 anon_bear's post

There are plenty of older WGs. Scan the reports and some will have MILF in the title or body of the report. Another suggestion is to look at Alexander18's reports as he tends to like older gals.

Sham Shui Po, Mongkok, Prince Edward, Kwun Tong all have a number of MILF-types, but degree of attractiveness & service varies greatly.
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Post at 2-2-2013 15:30  Profile P.M. 
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The question is more... How to NOT get an older lady. Any walk up will be more than 50% MILF. And if pounding on doorsand looking for your MILF in the walk ups is not working, go to Haris bar in the holiday inn on an evening. No shortage of MILF there. I suggest Michelle the Mongolian. She started a bit large around the middle, and has put on some weight since, but the service is out of this world. And she is a very nice lady. My go to MILF in HK.

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wander   3-2-2013 16:12  Acceptance  +2   LOL. "started out large.." Now has gained weight. huh. great marketing! haha
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Post at 2-2-2013 20:50  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Intenseslacker at 2/2/2013 03:30 PM
The question is more... How to NOT get an older lady. Any walk up will be more than 50% MILF. And if pounding on doorsand looking for your MILF in the walk ups is not working, go to Haris bar in the h ...

yes, but im not just looking for MILF. im specifically looking for twice my age... 48-50. i had the bad fortune to visit Tay the thai girl in hung hom and from what i hear, SHE had a kid back home. that makes her a MILF(minus the "like to fuck" part) even though she couldnt have been any older than 27.

where do i find this michelle the mongolian? link? district?

thanks for the advice!

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wander   3-2-2013 16:13  Acceptance  +1   LOL again! A MILF minus the ILF! fuckin classic! Shit.. still laughing at that.
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Post at 2-2-2013 21:19  Profile P.M. 
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SSP is MILF headquaters.

I never seen so many old ladies there; some are ok, some are nasty, some are in-between...
but I guess you have to go there to find out...

SSP, PE are the main 2 places...
it's quite dirty there, maybe one of the dirtiest places I ever been to in HK, and also Shek Kip Mei

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wander   3-2-2013 16:15  Acceptance  +1   This thread is classic. "dirtiest places in HK". wow!! that is saying a LOT!
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Post at 3-2-2013 02:32  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by anon_bear at 2-2-2013 08:50 PM

yes, but im not just looking for MILF. im specifically looking for twice my age... 48-50. i had the bad fortune to visit Tay the thai girl in hung hom and from what i hear, SHE had a kid back home ...

Is her age more important or her looks?
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Post at 3-2-2013 16:00  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by ramont at 2/3/2013 02:32 AM

Is her age more important or her looks?

going for a balance. if i want a young girl, i will go and get one, but age is a key here, so obviously im willing to sacrifice looks a bit for the age im looking for. having said that, will i stick it in a crusty old hag just to tick off this number on the "to do" list? no. im just looking for a mature lady who has aged as gracefully as a WG can. ive read good things about some WGs that still have pretty good looks into their 40s, but i dont think ive come across anything yet about any girls in their 50s. id say the youngest im looking for is probably 45, but would prefer older(if possible, and considering looks as well).
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Post at 3-2-2013 16:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 anon_bear's post

I am eagerly waiting for the next contribution to this thread!  Some great lines that made me laugh.

I like older WGs as well.  But by "older" I mean in their 30s.  Women, not kids.  They ARE better, in bed and out of bed.  

Hmmmmm, I am thinking of the oldest WG I have been with to see if I can help you.  But I cant think of anyone.

Chalisa, my absolutely stunning and super-horny Thai super-babe has a kid and just turned 40.  (man, this is hard to believe!!!!  I've know her 5 years now!!!  damn, that's a long time to know a WG!)).  Anyway she is a MILF in every possible respect.  She hasnt changed the tiniest bit in 5 years.  Still stunning.  Just skyped with her yesteday.

But -- she lives in Bangkok now.  Not HK.  Sorry mate.  And good luck.

By the way..., sorry, but I cant help but think this is a "mommy issue" you might be working out.  hehe.
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Post at 3-2-2013 17:43  Profile P.M. 
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Michelle the Mongolian is in Haris bar most nights. She's around 40. But it's a mature 40. If you want older... It can be found. 50's? Well, also doable... But likely less common  Check the walk ups for girls who say 30s, and you'll get 40s. If they say 40s, theyhave grand kids.

And as for "aging as gracefully as a WG can" the bad news is... That ain't too graceful. WG years are hard years. Any girl in her 50s, you better hope she started in her 40s or she is going to be a real piece of work. Trust me, I have been there.

[ Last edited by  Intenseslacker at 3-2-2013 17:45 ]
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Post at 3-2-2013 20:50  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by wander at 2/3/2013 04:24 PM
I am eagerly waiting for the next contribution to this thread!  Some great lines that made me laugh.

I like older WGs as well.  But by "older" I mean in their 30s.  Women, not kids.  They A ...

haha, i figured some of you guys would scratch your head. i understand its a little weird, but hey, it'll be a story to tell the other fellas in the old folks home, right!?

Originally posted by Intenseslacker at 2/3/2013 05:43 PM
Michelle the Mongolian is in Haris bar most nights. She's around 40. But it's a mature 40. If you want older... It can be found. 50's? Well, also doable... But likely less common  Check the walk ups f ...

what does michelle usually cost a guy? how can i spot her? what does/doesnt she do; and any reports on her?

ive never done anything other than a walkup, and im so fresh to those i still get butterflies in my stomach everytime im walking up the stairs to find my lady of the evening. i dont know if i would know how to do anything other than a walkup! suggestions? links to other helpful threads?

[ Last edited by  anon_bear at 3-2-2013 20:54 ]

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Intenseslacker   11-2-2013 20:25  Acceptance  +1   Search my reports, there is a full report on Michelle. I've seen her a few time since, all good.
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Post at 3-2-2013 21:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 anon_bear's post

My best rec is Sa Sa in Champaign Court

Most feel she is into her 40s, but she still has a great body, but with fake tits. She is also a very good service provider and offers anal if you're into that.

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bohica   13-2-2013 06:50  Acceptance  +2   Also looks like Sasa has pectoral implants but still good even for her age.
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Post at 3-2-2013 23:06  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by ramont at 2/3/2013 09:36 PM
My best rec is Sa Sa in Champaign Court

Most feel she is into her 40s, but she still has a great body, but with fake tits. She is also a  ...

YES! ive had some decent service in the past, but also had an unfortunate bout of lack of service too. im dying for one of these hour long sessions ive read about in her reports. id love to find a girl who has a very good GFE, service oriented, provides me with rimming(never had it but want to try it), and BBBJ and CIM is always a plus! if i happen to find a girl like this who also fits the MILF bill that im currently after, then by all means sign me up!!! i think sa sa may be the next girl i have fun with. michelle the mongolian sounds pricey, and i cant ignore the good things ive heard about sa sa.

few questions though. ive read a few reports on her, but never seen much about her english other than something along the lines of "wasnt very good when i visited her a few years ago." i know 0 cantonese and 0 mandarin; how is she on her english? enough to understand me when i say i want the whole experience(rimming, BBBJ, minty BBBJ, fucking, and a CIM finish) minus the $150 add on uniform deal? second, i hear she is very busy. anyone have success with just showing up without an appt and getting a punt with her? or should i just stick to an appointment? id rather avoid calling her if possible, both because im unsure of her english and i have a SO that is quite nosey. an accidental call at an inopportune time or a pocket dial would really do me in. especially if all my SO hears on the other end is some canto bro screaming about how good this gal's LG feels!!!   last, i read somewhere that one bro thought she was a little pushy about certain things: ie push to buy the uniforms and such. any truth there? as ive said around in a few of my posts, im on a relatively tight budget and 150 extra for some trivial uniform play doesnt really appeal to me.

let me apologize again for my lack of experience... im new to punting and have only been using the forum part of 141 for just a few days now. im sure some of you are wanting to   right about now. let me thank you in advance for your patience!
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Post at 10-2-2013 19:36  Profile P.M. 
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I will tell you this, almost all the ones in Western are in their 40's. I am not sure about anywhere else.
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Post at 13-2-2013 06:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 anon_bear's post

There is a reason why you have to wait and will be properly rewarded?  If telephone # is listed then text to make an appointment.  With the influx of smartphones then use a translator.  You have gotten this far.., otherwise printout a bilingual list of like to do items.

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Post at 13-2-2013 09:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 anon_bear's post

When I saw her a couple of years ago I had 0 Chinese too (still about that much now) and we got along okay. She's been doing this for a while, so she knows what to expect. Be patient, use simple English and gestures. It will work out.
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Post at 13-2-2013 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 anon_bear's post

Just go to Hing Loong in Sheung Wan and start at the 10th Fl, you can't miss. I doubt you'll get past the cougars on the 9th FL.

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