Subject: Bars with free lance PRC's
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Post at 15-1-2013 18:10  Profile P.M. 
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Bars with free lance PRC's

Which bars in HK have free lance PRC's?

Reason I ask is cause I want a woman with a big hairy bush.

All the Filipinos, etc., I've met shave down there.

Not my cup of tea.

I need bush
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Post at 15-1-2013 20:55  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dogthom's post

I have never tried a PRC bargirl, but don't be disappointed if the one you choose is shaved, as they cater to the western market in places like wanchai and hari's (tst). Best to ask before agreeing on a price. About the bar, not sure. Perhaps escape or haris but that's just a guess.
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Post at 15-1-2013 22:23  Profile P.M. 
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I have had "Traditional" PRC at Hari's before. Availability is hit and miss on the night. Agree with TD about asking first.

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 16-1-2013 14:05  Profile P.M. 
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As for a quick look before final decision...........
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Post at 16-1-2013 15:47  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah, it'll be "show me your beaver, baby!"

seriously, I can't stand shaved....  they look pre-pubescent.

But to each their own.
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Post at 16-1-2013 16:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 dogthom's post

I like shaved not because I tend to enjoy oral sex more. But different strokes for different blokes, which is excellent as I don't have to compete with guys seeking the untamed jungle.
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Post at 16-1-2013 20:14  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Thai-delight at 16-1-2013 16:11
I like shaved not because I tend to enjoy oral sex more. But different strokes for different blokes, which is excellent as I don't have to compete with guys seeking the untamed jungle.

me too, I find it much more fun to look at. Not a fan of the 5 o'clock shadow though... i like smooth as silk! I think it's psychological for me. A trim of the bush can be justified as being done so nothing unpleasant peaks out the side of a bikini. However a complete hair removal can only be for sexual reasons (at least in my mind) so I find that quite a turn on... LOL

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 16-1-2013 23:25  Profile P.M. 
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I think we men go through phases. Personally I am tired of the shaved stubble on so many bar girls. For the past year I have enjoyed the natural PRC pussy, especially when one finds one with light hair. I have had several that were smooth and hairless below the pubic bone, ie their lips, with a light dusting of hair above. Combine that with soft very light down under the arms and it is sinfully nice.
Shaved is the worst. A good waxing is much better.  
Just one fucker's opinion...
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Post at 18-1-2013 14:29  Profile P.M. 
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I remember way back in the mid ninities - had my first shaved girl, honestly I didn't know what yo think in fact found it a turn off - this was on a working girl.

It wasn't until I came I across it on a civie who was actually a tiger in bed dud realise as TT point it was done for sexual reasons ...

Now a days I'm ok with bush on a walk up prc girl as I know I'm not daty there and part of the experience - but anything else needs to be bald as a badger!!!

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