Most Japanese porn stars have twitter.. that's your best bet.. but... the chances of them answering your questions are very
very slim, as they probably have a few 100 emails in their inbox each day
you can try anyway
Or, you can meet them in person yourself... from what I read online, there's adult video conventions in Macau, where porn stars from Japan
do some sort of promotion, etc.
In 2011, one JAV girl (who I never heard of before) held a meet and greet event here in Hong Kong.. there are probably more events like this in HK,
but you really need to search online for it, as they are not that popular.
Speaking of 2011, Maria Ozawa attented the ACG event (anime comic gaming - biggest cosplay/game event of the entire year) where she "hugged" her fans,
but the line for this was very long - some fans were lining up for a few days
Last edited by lijianhua at 1-2-2013 01:26 ]