Poll Subject: How much do you spend ... on women ?  single choice [Show Voters]
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< $500
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  12 (11.54%)
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  4 (3.85%)
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  4 (3.85%)
$5,000 - $6,000
  8 (7.69%)
$6,000 - $8,000
  3 (2.88%)
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  0 (0.00%)
> $10,000
  12 (11.54%)

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Post at 15-4-2008 12:55  Profile P.M. 
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How much do you spend ... on women ?

On average, how much do you spend a month on WGs  - 141 girls, sauna girls, nightclub/OK girls ...
(in HK dollars)

Note: newbies can now vote !

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 15-4-2008 14:29 ]
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Post at 15-4-2008 12:59  Profile P.M. 
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can't say this is easy to answer since I don't use WGs in the UK only when I am in HK
Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 15-4-2008 14:47  Profile P.M. 
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I don't think short-term visitors should vote. Guys having 10 gals during a 1-week holiday will distort the results and will
make it look like we spend more than we actually do on a regular basis.  

Live Life With Passion
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Post at 15-4-2008 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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I think you have a point there Jake , but they can vote by telling us if they are a short term punter here ...

OK guys, if you're here only for the short term you can vote, but can you also let us know how many days you
were here and amount spent by posting in this thread ... hope this doesn't over complicate things !

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Post at 15-4-2008 19:46  Profile P.M. 
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I think the operative question is not the amount per visit but the amount per period.

Based on my estimates, since 9 Oct 07 I have spent 31,450, which on an annualised basis is about 63,000.
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Post at 15-4-2008 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 gwailoplayer's post

You're right, the question still is how much do you spend per month

Based on your figures for yourself, it works out to be about $5,000 !
You can vote by clicking the $5,000-$6,000 button
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Post at 16-4-2008 00:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 twiceAweek's post

Fcuk.......I hate to answer this question.........being asked many times from all my known punters and buddy in the same WGs hunting industry.........and I never gave  them the answer.........
Frankly, that;s because when I think about it and recompute the expenditure, it freaks me and knowing the exact figures I spend will deter me from enjoyin myself.

My punting expenditure really depend on the monthly budget and the additional cash money I had..........

and yes.....most definitely > 10K on average per month...

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 17-4-2008 01:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 twiceAweek's post

More market research bro?  

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Post at 17-4-2008 10:41  Profile P.M. 
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has anyone estimated how much they have spent in their life time? i once did that and it scared the shit out of me. it came into millions!!
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Post at 17-4-2008 11:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 sybian141's post

hmmm ... you haven't voted yet ... nudge nudge !

I don't dare try to caculate how much I've spent so far ... and my spending was far greater before then now !
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Post at 17-4-2008 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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i havent voted cause i'm too old now to run around buildings anymore. haha. in my younger days it was way too much. i would be in the max range times a few more and more and more...
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Post at 17-4-2008 12:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 Jake's post

Yes !  and I'll tell you why later
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Post at 17-4-2008 15:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #12 twiceAweek's post

i reckon i spend on average 8-10k per month on massages...
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Post at 17-4-2008 17:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #13 chas's post

Wow, thats more then me !!! - either you go very often or you tip a lot !!!
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Post at 18-4-2008 05:49  Profile P.M. 
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Well, if I convert from US dollars

I spend well over 10k monthly.  Hell, my airport routine is 3 times a week at 60 bucks a pop alone.  How much is that? 5000 HKD monthly just for that alone.  Then I have my FS girls that I hit twice a week on average.  Sigh... imagine the money I would save if I quit this darn hobby.  Not likely though.
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Post at 18-4-2008 09:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 twiceAweek's post

twice my bro in the mid 90s i was spending like 25k a month on massages and a night out in a very popular K club would cost me 6k and if it was my friend's birthday i would be pulling a bill like 50k. now you know why i cant afford this hobby anymore!!!! haha
to be honest though in the 90s it was all locals who were all 17-20 and very very beautiful. for some reason they all disappeared after the asian financial crisis. i remember 2 insanely beautiful girls who were working nights to pay for their university fees. they were stunning. oh the 90s!!!
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Post at 18-4-2008 10:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 sybian141's post

I know exactly what you mean !
In the 90's NC would cost around 5K - 6K per visit and taking the girl out afterwards ...
and you're absolutely right about the stunning local beauties that worked part time at these clubs.
Saunas would cost 1K including tip for a 2 hour veggie massage !
Those were the days ... easy to make money and sooooo easy to spend !!!

Where did you used to frequent for saunas and NCs in those days ?
My fav places were VIP sauna / Zanadu sauna and Club de Hong Kong

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Post at 18-4-2008 11:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #17 twiceAweek's post

i use to visit a K club called Paris by Night - a straight translation in 1994 until 1998. it was embarrassing in 1998 cause i was such a regular i had my own private room cause i went like every week day. if the girl was over 20 she was considered old. i think thursday nighhts to staurdays there were over 300 girls in that place but they had only like 20 rooms and 10 outside sofas.

i use to go to Island Sauna alot. best place best looking girls. they were bi-atheletes. best massages and best other services. these two places were the top of their businesses. and like all number one places the only place to go is down.

island sauna closed down and paris by night effectively closed down cause of a high profile ICAC case against a police inspector a few years ago. the K club anyway post 98 wasnt the same anymore but the mamasan i knew there would always have part time girls who would meet you outside for unlimited time. most of them were stunning and didnt want to work full time and be seen working at those places.

i do miss the 90s so much more maybe cause i was alot younger then. i think i spent like 250,000 a month on this hobby. lucky i could expense everything back then
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Post at 18-4-2008 19:13  Profile P.M. 
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when I'm in HK.. maybe HK$3000 a week tops nowadays.. but once when I was in Europe a few years ago.. the quality of the girls were so high, but also so expensive, I blew 10k GBP in one week... good thing I have learned to pace myself now... haha...
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Post at 18-4-2008 22:23  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by zeroz at 18-4-2008 19:13
when I was in Europe a few years ago.. the quality of the girls were so high, but also so expensive, I blew 10k GBP in one week...

And you're the idiot who wants the better Chinese WGs to raise their rates to Western levels! Look bro, you've obviously got the money, and I envy you for that, but if you have the financial means to piss away HK$ 156,000 for a week of sex, you're really not in a position to offer advice on market rates that would be acceptable to the rest of us!

孔子曰: 君子不羞于舔屄也

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