i got the info from a thread on the chinese forum on this site. just go to 寰宇世界 section and filter by 美加. believe it or not, there are quite a number of forum members here who are based in Socal. i joined to do some "research" for my trip last year to hk and ended up finding alot interesting stuff globally.
as for the SGV scene, i think it's been very quiet recently. the place i use to go alot haven't had any good new ones for last few months, and all my old favorites seem to have gone off radar too. there's also another place that i go occasionally, they use to have very high quality WGs visiting from different cities and staying for 10 day stints, sorta like how the HGs work in hk. I dont go there as often since it's hard to build up rapports and get really good GFE when they r gone so soon, but on recent trips i noticed their quality seem to be slipping as well. so i am open to trying new venues as well if anyone knows any.