Subject: High rollers are treated better at KTV?
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Post at 17-8-2012 05:49  Profile P.M. 
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High rollers are treated better at KTV?

Hi brothers,

Have been reading some old threads on here about different service for different people at KTVs. So, high rollers get better service. What I am wondering is what kind of money are we talking about to be seen as a high roller? One thread said a high roller paid RMB 70,000 for a private party with fois gras and caviar being served. Tbh, that's only about £7000. For a all night party for several people thats a pretty good price but you can't compare prices of 2 totally different countries.

So what does it take to be a high roller? I mean people earning money in the US/UK could potentially all be high rollers then.
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Post at 17-8-2012 08:37  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Most establishments around the world treat 2 types of customers really well. Repeat customers and whales (people who spend lots). Unfortunately... There are more people who THINK they're high rollers than actual high rollers.

You want to be treated like a whale...? It's not about how much you spend. It's about who you are when you spend as much as you do. Order food... Order drinks... Order expensive... And order lots. But if you're not careful... They'll mark you as
A sucker
An ass

Or a number of other things. Spend. Have fun spending it, and don't worry if people THINK you're a whale or not.


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wetstuff   17-8-2012 18:58  Acceptance  +1   like ur advice
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Post at 17-8-2012 08:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 UncleDad's post

Makes a lot of sense. It's what they call a 'water fish', right?
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Post at 17-8-2012 12:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 geek's post

I don't understand what and where you're talking about ... in HK, in Macau ?  KTV or night club ?
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Post at 17-8-2012 17:53  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 twiceAweek's post

I was talking about DG KTV. I was reading about the Royal Garden KTV mostly.

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twiceAweek   17-8-2012 20:08  Acceptance  +1   Next time pls be more precise when asking
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Post at 17-8-2012 18:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 geek's post

As Bro UncleDad said most likely they will see you as a big sucker!
Do you really think the extra service you get will be worth the cash you spend?

There is nothing wrong with being a regular Joe!
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Post at 17-8-2012 20:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 obe's post

From what i have read it seems like there is another level of girls reserved for these 'suckers'. Whether it is worth the extra money surely depends on the person. I mean it is all relative though right?
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Post at 18-8-2012 10:15  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Quite honestly... They don't really care what you order. Most of them don't know the difference between caviar and tapioca bubbles (sai mai lo). So long as you spend happily... They will like you very much.

Funny story. One night I went down to the ktv and just sat in the lounge for a drink. I don't generally drink beer, and didn't feel like hard liquor. So i bought a bottle of medium range wine (great wall). The waiter asked me what I wanted to have with it. I said... Nono... Just the wine is fine. I serious thought his eyeballs were gonna pop out of its sockets. Hahaha. It's like us eating apples wih the skin intact. Hahaha


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