Subject: WG's asking for a tip
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Post at 14-8-2012 02:00  Profile P.M. 
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WG's asking for a tip

I find that a few WG's around the new territorries always ask for a tip if you pay. If you go visit WG's around mongkok and kowloon, they won't. If you give a tip, they actually are surprised.

What's your opinion/experience about it?
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Post at 14-8-2012 02:30  Profile P.M. 
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WG's that offer $350 service are the ones that usually ask me for a tip, but only a few have asked that; quite rare.
A lot of them said they have to give $150 of the $350 to the boss man.
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Post at 14-8-2012 11:12  Profile P.M. 
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To be honest, I have no problem with tipping if the service is good. Hey if you are going to tip someone for bring you food and drinks...why not tip some one who you bang? Make sense right!
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Post at 14-8-2012 12:03  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Disagree. Would you like it if you go to a restaurant and the waitstaff ASK for a tip? Tipping is for the patron to show appreciation when service provider meets or exceeds expectations. Not a given for showing up.

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Post at 14-8-2012 12:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 UncleDad's post

They are not exactly waitresses now are they. Ive no problem with giving a tip. If the service was shite and they ask... No way! If its good then sure. I prefer girls who don ask though. I had a shanghai FL ask for a 1000 RMB tip. Kicked her the hell out.
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Post at 14-8-2012 13:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 AznPipo's post

I think the demographics of people visiting in NT and Kowloon and HK are different and could play a part..., which in turn leads to girls perhaps having to resort to other ways to try and earn more.

Personally I am of the belief that good service should be rewarded with tips and I will do so accordingly.
But I also find that someone asking for tips is very annoying and makes me think twice if I should give it (even if they deserved it in the first place) (I usually do in the end, but most likely they won't see me again).

A couple of times, I've had girls call me 3 minutes after I left and tell me to come back as they didn't know I gave them more than the quoted amount and to get my change back... lol... but that's your tips!

[ Last edited by  angst at 14-8-2012 13:34 ]
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Post at 14-8-2012 14:50  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by UncleDad at 14-8-2012 12:03
Would you like it if you go to a restaurant and the waitstaff ASK for a tip?...

Erm ... what about those places that are "No Service Charge"???  Those are MOST DEFINITELY asking for a tip.  

Hong Kong is an interesting place - mix of Eastern and Western culture

In traditional Chinese culture tipping is considered almost disrespectful, as if you're criticising their pricing or want to buy a favour somehow (not sure I fully understand the cultural connotations, but tipping is not the rule by any means)
Contrast that with our beloved Land Of The "Free", where tips are not only required but are expected to be large ...
... in Hong Kong we have both.

Lots of girls run for change when you give them a brown note
And there are (in my observation) probably about as many who plead for a tip when you give the exact amount

I have had one (one only, so far) who flatly refused to give change ... somehow not realising the $50 she took off me would have been returned more than 10x if I leave with a good impression ...

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Post at 16-8-2012 03:05  Profile P.M. 
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The WG´s I tipped myself, said to me: Hey mister you gave me too much and gave me the money back! So I said: keep it, for the good service. They look satisfied, and that makes me happy. That's how it should be...

asking for a tip is not done IMO
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Post at 16-8-2012 11:34  Profile Blog P.M. 
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My point isn't to compare the two professions. Just that I think Asking to be tipped is inappropriate for ANY profession


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