Subject: Your Punting Cherry.....
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Post at 28-7-2012 02:24  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Your Punting Cherry.....

A noob's query got me thinking.....
...Do you remember your first time punting? I'm not saying losing your virginity....but I mean your first with a WG.
...If you do remember... please "report" and share. And what prompted you to start...and maybe how it created a hobbyist out of you =)~

Also.....WGs have to be 18+ .....what about us clients....? What if I'm 15 and "walk-up" to a place in MK? Do they check ID? hahaha

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Post at 28-7-2012 02:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 UncleDad's post

ERrrr...massively reduced action with SO drove me to it.  Plus this evil site which shows how easy it is.

You are uncle dad and you are 15?  Totally bizarre question for you.

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UncleDad   28-7-2012 14:45  Karma  +2   Do I look THAT old to you? I'm FIVE dammit! Hahahaha

TunaTin, the artist formerly know as bcs74
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Post at 28-7-2012 02:51  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Name: Can't remember
Age: 17 (she said)
Language: Cantonese
Face: 3.5 / 5
Body: Can't remember. She stayed dressed tho
Skill: 0 / 5 ....? 6 / 5...? Couldn't tell the difference back then. good enough for me tho! haha
Service: 3.5 / 5 A bit of a downer because it seemed she didn't WANT to be there.
Damage: HKD 200 ....? (i think)

I guess I'll start. I was 24 at the time. And it was actually a pretty honest mistake.
My Chinese isn't so great. and I was actually just looking for a place to check some email for work. At the time, I always used those gaming centres...You know, the ones that cost like HKD8/h and a free soda that high schoolers play online games at...? Anyway, it was a Friday afternoon and by the time I got there, the place was PACKED. And I actually needed to check some email. I was in MK and had some time to kill I started walking around seeing if there was another place.

So walking around, I see a sign for * * 網 吧 (blank blank Web Bar). I don't generally take the time out to read EVERYTHING. Takes me too long to process ALLLL the words. So I think to myself. Hey! What a novel idea...! A place where you can get a beer and go on the internet! So......up I go! Of course...the scantily clad girl on the poster should have tipped me off but...... up I go!

Go up the elevator to the floor where the "internet bar" is, and a man greets me enthusiastically ushering me quickly into a small, but private room and asked me what I wanted to drink. The second I walked into the room, I knew I'd made a mistake. My heart started racing. This was NOT what I signed up for!

A girl came in with my drink, and sat down next to me on the sofa. I didn't know anything back then and Sex with a WG seemed kind of dirty to me I offered to let's just chat....she said she was 17 and was paying her father's gambling debt. After a while, she started asking me what porn sites I liked to visit. I'd not yet been really indoctrinated to porn yet then either. Heck, I'd only had sex with 5 girls at that point! She ended up suggesting a few to me, telling me to type in certain addresses. As I looked at some photos and some short videos (internet was somewhat slower back then mates!) and she started playing with my LB. What was a guy to do?!  She took it out and asked me what I wanted. We agreed to a BJ and she bent down and started slurping away.

No clue if she was considered good or not. I was still trying to get my head wrapped around the experience! At some point, the BBBJ became a CBJ and after a little while,

If memory serves me correctly, the whole the cost me HKD200 at the time. From there, it wasn't the punting that made me a hobbyist....but curiosity. Started wondering what other places had to offer.


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bcs74   28-7-2012 22:13  Karma  +4   No underage reporting: No excuses
whome   28-7-2012 06:24  Karma  +1   ;-) How long ago was this?
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Post at 28-7-2012 14:46  Profile Blog P.M. 
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@whome.... Oooh many mmons ago when broadband wasn't prevalent in homes

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Post at 28-7-2012 16:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 UncleDad's post

The WGs have to 18+.
The first time when I punted, I was below 18 but no one bothered to check my id. I think as look as the transaction is smooth and easy, no one cares.
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Post at 28-7-2012 18:04  Profile P.M.  Yahoo!
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As usualy
Money talking ,mate

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JackTheBat   28-7-2012 23:45  Karma  -3   REALLY. TIRED. OF. YOU.
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Post at 28-7-2012 23:47  Profile P.M. 
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Impossible! I don't even remember where or who or what nationality my first WG was. If you can remember your first WG your memory must be awesome!

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UncleDad   30-7-2012 06:58  Karma  +2   Nice....! Haha
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Post at 29-7-2012 08:58  Profile P.M. 
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i was 18 yearsold for my first WG , i told him it was my firsttime and i do not have much money. she gave me sex for free   it was just 5 min quick fcuk nothing special, i feel like it was not better than masturbate )

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UncleDad   30-7-2012 06:57  Karma  +2   Hey...At least you got a freebie out of it! Haha
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Post at 29-7-2012 18:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by locus58 at 28-7-2012 23:47
Impossible! I don't even remember where or who or what nationality my first WG was. If you can remember your first WG your memory must be awesome!

I managed to get a picture, so I remember!  Very lucky.

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UncleDad   30-7-2012 06:58  Karma  +2   Share the pic! Haha
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Post at 29-7-2012 21:16  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by locus58 at 28-7-2012 23:47
Impossible! I don't even remember where or who or what nationality my first WG was. If you can remember your first WG your memory must be awesome!

Thai. Hot, thin, tallish. Naughty massage joint, not a fuck joint, but in the end she was willing. She made it memorable for me

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UncleDad   30-7-2012 06:59  Karma  +2   Memorable ones are great
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Post at 30-7-2012 11:07  Profile P.M. 
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Indo in jkt. Real muslim, no alcoohol but man did she like to f**k. Semi pro looking for money she hooked me up (was thinking with my lb) and I only realized she was trying to pull as much money as possible from me when I brought her perfume and she said the bottle was kind of small (yeah its a cabin luggage honey). Still, had a great time with her!
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Post at 30-7-2012 15:02  Profile P.M. 
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Croatian WG in the broom closet of the pub on the floor with probably 20 friends cheering me on taking pics. Was alive sex show. 50marks at the time back in early 90s.

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sexwstrangers   30-7-2012 20:55  Karma  +1   Cool. Not something you can do in the days of Facebook, though.
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Post at 31-7-2012 00:28  Profile P.M. 
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I blame you guys and this site
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Post at 31-7-2012 03:43  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Originally posted by Unregistered at 31-7-2012 00:28

I blame you guys and this site

Welcome to the "club". Now where's the farking report?! Sharing is caring dood! =)~

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Post at 3-8-2012 20:17  Profile P.M. 
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tall, blonde, slim russian woman.

She was (at the time, this was many, many years ago) friendly though with one of the best bodies I'd ever seen (not just in real life) but

I'd had a run of bad relationships that came with emotional baggage so needed some release. Decided by chance to have some fun.

Don't think i've ever topped her in terms of looks although that might mean I'm just not looking enough!

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UncleDad   3-8-2012 22:29  Karma  +2   I hear ya. Although maybe the memory makes it yummier? =)~

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